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  • The Goldonomic site is for serious investors only. It is run by talented people with Master's Degrees in Economics and years of experience. Initially and historically, the site is meant to be a source of information for professional investors mainly. The information  is of a high level and requires an open mind and reasoning.

    Francis Schutte

  • The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can ever help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority.

    Hendrik Ibsen-

  • The mainstream (corporate) media is nothing less than the unofficial accomplice of the banking crime syndicate which is running/ruining our markets and economies. Nowhere is this despicable relationship more apparent than in its deliberate efforts to grossly misinform investors on the critical subject of risk.

    Jeff Nielsen

  • The business of investing rationally becomes problematic when market participants are pursuing maximum nominal returns without a second thought as to the real (inflation-adjusted) value of those returns and the location of the savings. Our Goal is to maximize safety.


  • Comparing the currencies is like picking the prettiest horse in the glue factory. The history of all fiat currencies shows they all end up being valueless. Gold’s nobody else’s liability and it has no counterparty risk. It’s provided protection against destruction of wealth for centuries and we’re at the cusp of another major chapter in its illustrious history.


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Gold & Silver Juniors

January 28,  2024: End of Backtest = SUPER buys + LT-double bottom for miners.

Gold and silver will do better.

Gold & Silver Juniors vs. Majors

 Click to enlarge


The price will increase once the time is up: Juniors are awake...and are an absolute buy. We have a disconnect between ordinary shares and Gold and Silver shares.

  • Gold and Silver juniors are far better and safer than malicious, uncontrolled, non-regulated, and bank-manipulated derivatives like Turbo's, options, ETFs, Futures, warrants, and other Structured Products. Still, they are sometimes the subject of malicious SHORTING. 
  • The additional advantage Juniors have is that the Seniors will take them over as their gold ore reserves decrease.
  • The volatility of Juniors is, by definition, HIGH. Prices can go up and fall by 10%, 20%, and even 40%. Bear in mind that Juniors are often manipulated AND traded by inexperienced investors who jump out of the pan as soon as they suspect something negative may happen...
  • In many cases, it is possible to triple or quadruple your capital by buying Miners at the actual ridiculous market price and putting the co into liquidation.

[INITIAL BUY ADVICE WAS GIVEN IN 2009] - GOLD and SILVER shares are cheap as chips...Since I started my career in the financial business, Gold and silver mines have NEVER been so cheap!

  • Reminder: Shares are DIGITAL entities with counterparty risk! Don't waste your time, energy, and money buying Gold Shares! Buy the REAL THING: physical gold and silver, and store it out of political reach.
  • Juniors are at higher risk and must be approached with caution.  Juniors, especially those traded on the Vancouver stock exchange and the Pink Sheets (OTC), are promoted and highlighted on the Internet and advertised in specific financial newsletters as THE money makers by excellence while they are, in fact, DEADLY TRAPS.    Derivatives, as a rule, don't pay dividends.  Earnings and dividends are poised to rise exponentially; if you don't have the right stuff, you will not profit from it! [click on the table top-left to enlarge]

Short term candle
Chart comment
  • Jan 12, 2016: The more significant the bottom, the stronger the upleg
  • Jan 12, 2017: This is just the Bull Run's BEGINNING.
  • Jan 14 - Feb 26, 2018: the beginning of a LIFETIME BULL LEG.
  • Dec 10 - Jan 8, 2019: W-Bottom formation = Screaming BUY
  • Dec 19 - Feb 14, 2020: Ready to start afresh upleg, which will last
  • March 13: SCREAMING BUY
  • April 13 - May 4: Those who bought miners during this Corona-panic doubled their money.
  • Jan 14 - Mar 10, 2021: Oversold and a SCREAMING BUY!
  • Nov. 12 - Apr. 20, 2022: Breaking out of a Bullish Flag!
  • May 12 - Oct. 21—Dec. 1: This is a strong buy at this level. Remember that GOOD WINE needs Time.
  • Jan. 7 - Mar. 30, 2023: Fresh breakout and BUY.
  • May 1st - June 25: Oversold - SUPER BUY at present level.
  • Nov. 10 - Dec. 16: more Bottom formation. [breakout on the short candle]
  • Jan. 19 - Feb. 14, 2024: BUY...but PHYSICAL Gold/Silver is better.
  • Mar. 18 - Apr. 4: Physical Gold and Silver will continue outperforming the Miners.
  • May 19: a breakout we have.
  • June 29 - Aug. 6: the end of the backtest = BUY
  • Sep. 13 - Oct. 21: Bull run.
  • Nov. 22: buy the Backtest.
  • Dec. 22 - Jan. 28, 2025: buy now.
Long term candle

 Volume always precedes Price.

Green-colored charts indicate bull trends, Red indicates bear trends, and White indicates sideward trends—and we don't know yet!  
***(I.V. = intrinsic or liquidation value)**** Check the charts for "breakouts"
- Yields October 2023
Click on the name of stock for the profile (all low-risk entry points were reached)
Silvercorp (SVM.TO)   
Yield - 0.97%
Iamgold (IAG) First Majestic (FR.TO)
Yield - 0.42%
Fortuna Silver (FVI.TO)
Gold mine - Ivory Coast - 3,300 employees (Mexico-3,600) (Peru, Mexico-686)

We expect Physical Gold and silver to perform better (SAFER) than the miners.
Click on the name of the stock to surf the company's website and learn more about its profile
***(I.V. = liquidation value)***
 Novo Res. (NVO.V)  NewGold (NGD) Osisko Mining (OSK.TO)  New Pacific. (NUAG.V)
Is now Gold Fields Ltd.
 Trading zone. Target $77 ....5.03% yield
Endeavour Silver (EDR.TO) Nova Gold (NG) - ******  SilverStandard (SSRM)    Yield - 2.15%  Doll Silver Corp (DOLLF)
Mexico & Chile-1,700 Canada-USA-13 - Best Junior.  USA-Argent-Turkey
Silver Mine - Canada

****(I.V. = liquidation value)****
  Gold Resource Corp (GORO) yield - 2.35%   Fortune Minerals (FT.TO)  Tower Hill (THM)
 Mexico-12 - 0.50%   as cheap as in 2000 Canada - Cobalt, Bismuth Canada-USA-10
  12-month performance vs.Gold Money Flow descending
1-day to 12-month performance vs. SP500.
  juniors FLOW juniors RRG SPX
The bottom of the list is the worst performing...
  Top of the list is the best performing...

Lifetime opportunities do present themselves...Today, however, it is a LOT SAFER to hold PHYSICAL GOLD and SILVER than Juniors and/or Majors... click here for more fundamental information on Juniors.

We expect Physical Gold & Silver to perform better and be safer than digital miners.

 Note: According to the Arrangement, each IMZ shareholder (other than Hochschild in respect of the cash) will receive consideration comprising US$2.38 (approximately C$2.46) per common share in cash and one common share of a new Canadian public company ("SpinCo") for each common share of IMZ. [Who would not buy such a company at this low price...]

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Mining in South Africa

(Gold) Mining is (South) Africa misunderstood by most Investors

Categories: Gold & Silver Majors, Gold & Silver Juniors, News


Nov. 6 : Gold, silver soar in a most unusual fashion

This is what an intermediary bottom looks like in the media

Categories: Gold-$, Silver, Gold & Silver Majors, Gold & Silver Juniors, News, Investing for dummies

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