
Out of Political Reach

This is WHY it is important to keep your savings out of political reach?

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Out of Political Reach.

Because Authorities have NO legal jurisdiction in other countries, at least this is still true for the EU and Europe and less so for the USA since we have FATCA.

Authorities have no way of directly taxing or confiscating assets that are located out of their country. Authorities have no jurisdiction in other countries. For EU citizens, this means savings must be kept out of Europe. For American citizens, it means savings must be kept outside the USA.

If you keep your Gold in a Safe Deposit box within political reach, it will be legally taken away/seized one day, even if you're a non-resident.

It becomes increasingly apparent that the Authorities will appoint the Banks as their tax collectors: they will collect whatever tax or bail in the Government decides to levy and pay it directly to the Government. A recent example is Spain's 0.03% retroactive tax levied on deposits.

The money had gone out of the accounts before the account holders had actually realized it.

Because in those countries, you are also a non-resident and hence not subject to the local taxation requirements (except for the local withholding tax on conditions such as those that apply to aliens), the risk is smaller. Some countries, however, have bilateral tax agreements where one can claim back part of the tax under certain conditions. Hence, some countries are better places to keep your savings (ask a specialist – we know). In case of a Bail-In or retroactive tax, ANY DEPOSITS (belonging to residents and non-residents) are subject to a potential legal theft!

Local legislation sometimes offers higher insurance on deposits/securities, and you are better covered when a financial institution goes belly up. In Europe, deposits up to € 100,000 are usually insured. The limit can be much higher in other countries: $ 250,000 and more.

Fiscal amnesty doesn't mean that you are by law requested to repatriate savings within political reach...but only that you must declare these. Those who repatriated the funds made a huge mistake...

I am from the governmentThere is a clear distinction between commercial and investment banks/brokers in certain countries. Commercial banks are a lot riskier. In Europe, for example, banks are - most of the time - wholesale institutions that are simultaneously 'commercial,' offer credit and mortgages, and are involved in the security business. Extremely dangerous are the banks involved in Derivatives (HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale,..._

Because in certain countries, the minimum required reserve ratio is by law HIGHER than in other countries. The reserve ratio is the number of deposits a bank must keep in its vaults versus the total of deposits. For example: a bank with $100,000 deposits and a 30% reserve ratio must always have a minimum of $ 30,000 in its vaults.

Most of the time (this applies to both Europe and the USA), the ratio is 1% and sometimes less. This is the reason WHY the banks want you to pre-order cash...They tell you it is for security reasons; the reality is that they simply don't have it on hand.

In the case of a bank run, it is a lot easier to pay out depositors if you have at least a 30% buffer than if you have only 1% or less.

Next comes the potential sovereign protection in case a bank goes belly up. Certain countries have banks that have NO by-banks or daughter-banks outside their country. Banks that are spread all over the world are riskier than banks that only operate in one single country.

Example: Credit Suisse has not only banks and assets (ex., real estate) in Switzerland but also in other European Countries and the USA. The local authorities can always use the US assets to BRIBE the non-American bank. [This is what happened to BNP-Paribas, Credit Suisse].

Assuming a bank with no foreign ties becomes the subject of a bank run, or if there is a pending risk of bankruptcy, the local financial authorities may decide to step in. They may take over the bank and payout/cover all deposits. This was what happened when a bank went under in Panama. The local authorities took over the bank and paid out every last cent to its depositors. The bank is still in operation and doing well.


  1. Keep your financial assets out of political reach.
  2. The higher the bank's reserve ratio and the less commercial exposure, the smaller the risk for a bail-in.
  3. Banks without commercial risk (no credit, no mortgage, no derivatives) are the safest.
  4. Never keep assets in a country with high default risks (Argentina, Cyprus, Portugal, Belgium, USA) unless you want to become the subject of a bail-in and/or capital control and/or confiscation of your assets. Often, investors tend to make deposits with banks in risky countries or with banks having their main roots in such countries because they receive a somewhat higher interest rate.
  5. Don't think that foreign banks are less safe than your local bank. Most of the time, they are safer.
  6. Internet banking will, as a rule, NOT spare you if the Internet bank operates out of a local geographical location. (ex. An American bank operating in Europe through a European bank is subject to European legislation, like an American bank operating in Argentina through an Argentinean branch is subject to Argentinean legislation).
  7. Don't move assets to a country with a culture that differs too much from yours and where it is night when it is daylight at home.
  8. Assets out of political reach will allow you to leave your home and start a new life in case of war threat.
  9. Moving your assets out of political reach will ensure your savings are safe. However, because most banks are inter-connected, be aware this ain't no fail-proof operation.
  10. An American bank/financial institution with a daughter in Europe (ex. France) has twice the risk: it may default because the US-mother bank runs into trouble, and/or it can default because the local daughter runs into problems and/or there is a bail-in by the Local Authorities (In this case France).
As long as you declare to the IRS or Tax Authorities that you have savings abroad, you don't breach the law!


  • In the FATCA affair, the IRS (USA) tries to enforce American fiscal legislation in non-USA countries. They can only try so by blackmailing Natural and/or legal entities with ASSETS within the United States.
  • Swedish Citizens have to ask permission from the local authorities to open a bank account OUTSIDE Sweden.

The solutions Goldonomic offers/provides:

  1. What to invest in safe and unsafe investment instruments.
  2. Where to keep these: locally, overseas, and how to open accounts overseas.
  3. Which juridical structure should one keep it in?
  4. Which countries are safe, and which countries are a no-go?
  5. Answers to questions that have not been answered here.

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