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  • The Goldonomic site is for serious investors only. It is run by talented people with Master's Degrees in Economics and years of experience. Initially and historically, the site is meant to be a source of information for professional investors mainly. The information  is of a high level and requires an open mind and reasoning.

    Francis Schutte

  • The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can ever help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority.

    Hendrik Ibsen-

  • The mainstream (corporate) media is nothing less than the unofficial accomplice of the banking crime syndicate which is running/ruining our markets and economies. Nowhere is this despicable relationship more apparent than in its deliberate efforts to grossly misinform investors on the critical subject of risk.

    Jeff Nielsen

  • The business of investing rationally becomes problematic when market participants are pursuing maximum nominal returns without a second thought as to the real (inflation-adjusted) value of those returns and the location of the savings. Our Goal is to maximize safety.


  • Comparing the currencies is like picking the prettiest horse in the glue factory. The history of all fiat currencies shows they all end up being valueless. Gold’s nobody else’s liability and it has no counterparty risk. It’s provided protection against destruction of wealth for centuries and we’re at the cusp of another major chapter in its illustrious history.


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World Stock Market Indexes

January 19,  2025: Stock market indexes are 99% the result of CENTRAL BANK actions and a HUGE BUBBLE.

Our short-term BUY-SELL indicator - click to enlarge. Super Sell Jan 2025)


"We shall see NO MARKET  CRASH...but a weaker Dollar, WEAKER CURRENCIES and
more Nominal Confusion: "HIGHER STOCK MARKETS WORTH LESS!"

The Fed, ECB, Bank of Japan, and Swiss National Bank print money and buy shares. Stock markets will continue to rise
as long as MONEY is PRINTED and the additional marginal amount of freshly printed money has any power to buy it.


The VICIOUS part of these Bull Markets is that stock markets will continue to bubble when expressed in FIAT MONEY, and they will dramatically suffer because of the Great Taking.

Gold and silver will perform better!...
heck the PF charts of the indices expressed in Gold and understand that stocks are not worth the risk. Even if the Dow Jones geysers to 300,000, your DIGITAL portfolio will only buy 3 eggs. You risk a bail-in and having your portfolio frozen.
Stock market indexes may double, triple, and even grow tenfold...only expressed in Fiat Money, until we have an "overnight crash."
Never forget that Stock Markets climb a Wall of worry and slide off a climax of enthusiasm...
It makes, however, no sense to buy-hold US stocks once the US dollar resumes its Bear Trend!
Mainstream Media NEVER have and will NEVER call a CRASH!

1. Dow Jones Industrials & SP500: Dangerous BUBBLES and Casinos. After this correction is over, the Dow will rise to 300,000 and higher, and we will have QE4 and QE5 (Hyperinflation).

Dow Target & Support Central Banks are buying shares...  Dow in Real Money
Bullish Objective Dow
INDUGOLD pf1Bearish
Bearish Objective  38,000
Technical pattern Bull Trend - expect a correction.


Short term candle
Chart comment
  • Feb 1 - Mar 12, 2016: Short-term bullish
  • Jan 8, 2017: Is the Correction due January 20?
  • Oct 12: calculated target of the PF chart: 28,400 (+ 25% higher)
  • Jan 9, 2018: Buy Climax?= DANGER...see TARGET on PF chart.
  • Dec 28 - Jan 22, 2019: Backtest
  • Jan 6 - Jan 28, 2020: I have vertigo.
  • Jan 8 - Mar 5, 2021: Overbought + Bearish Divergence = SELL
  • Jan. 22 - Feb. 23, 2022: There we go: a solid correction (at least)
  • Dec 1 - Jan 11, 2023: Dow OVERBOUGHT...and a weakening Dollar!...
  • Nov. 2: Technically, it is a BUY at the present level. See the bullish divergence.
  • Jan. 14 - May 16, 2024: expect a CORRECTION in the coming weeks.
  • June 23 - July 18: a BREAKOUT—Assuming central banks continue to print massive amounts of money (and they have no choice), the stock markets will continue to soar in a Venezuelan, Argentinian, or Turkish style. You will be happy but have nothing. This is "Nominal Confusion"!
  • Aug. 4/5: bearish divergence on the candle chart & backtest/correction.
  • Sep. 10 - Oct. 16: but we still will see higher levels...
  • Nov. 15 - Dec. 19 - Jan. 19, 2025: running into resistance and overbought. Expect a correction in Q1 2025.
Long term candle

SPX candle1

2. S&P 500 Large Cap Index:  Higher we shall go, and NO MARKET CRASH: Long Term, the SP500 performs worse than Gold and will continue to do so!

Bullish Objective 7,800
Resistance na
Support  5,600
Bearish Objective 4,800
SP500 Target & Support Technical pattern Bull trend - expect a correction
SPX in Real Money is Bearish.

Click to enlarge.

Short term Candle
Chart comment


  • Feb 1 - 12, 2016: Short-term bullish
  • Jan 8, 2017: is the Correction due January 20?
  • Jan 9, 2018: Buy Climax?= DANGER...see TARGET on PF chart...
  • Dec 28 - Jan 22, 2019: Backtest
  • Jan 6 - Jan 28, 2020: I have vertigo.
  • Jan 8 - Mar 5, 2021: Overbought + Bearish Divergence = SELL
  • Jan. 22 -Feb. 23, 2022: The beginning of the "severe correction"???
  • June 25 - July 20: Halfway stop or beginning bottom formation?
  • Oct 15: Probable END of CORRECTION. Don't expect a Crash!
  • Dec. 1 - Jan. 11, 2023: still dangerously OVERBOUGHT...and a weakening Dollar!
  • June 18: We have a  BREAKOUT and expect a POSITIVE backtest!
  • Nov. 2: Technically, it's a BUY at the present level.
  • Jan. 14 - May 16, 2024: Bearish Divergence
  • June 23 - July 18: a BREAKOUT—Assuming central banks continue to print massive amounts of money (and they have no choice), the stock markets will continue to soar in a Venezuelan, Argentinian, or Turkish style. You will be happy but have nothing. This is "Nominal Confusion"!
  • Aug. 2/5: correction - backtest.
  • Sep. 10 - Oct. 16: expect higher.
  • Nov. 16 - Dec. 19—Jan. 19, 2025: The market is overbought and running into resistance. Expect a correction in Q1 2025.
Long term Candle

3. Utility Index :

Short Candle Chart Comments
  • June 9, 2014: markets will increase as long as they PRINT MONEY!
  • Feb 19 - May 18, 2015: bull run
  • Jan 16, 2016: NEW BUY SIGNAL after positive backtest
  • Jan 19, 2017: we will start upleg as interest rates come down.
  • Jan 10, 2018: Potential STOP LOSS = CAUTION
  • Oct 5 - Feb 25, 2019: Resistant Utility Index = the bull market is alive.
  • Jan 16, 2020: new bull leg. The Index is breaking out through the top of its Trending channel. This indicates we have acceleration, the ultimate bullish buy, Climax #5. This is because Central banks have decided on QE4.
  • Jan - Apr 23, 2021: bouncing into the TOP of the Channel and overbought
  • Jan. 8, 2022: Dangerously OVERBOUGHT
  • Apr. 29: Buy Climax! = SELL!
  • May 25: The uptrend is still Bullish and intact.
  • Nov. 8 - Dec. 15 - Feb. 5, 2023: a BEAR TREND!?
  • Mar. 15: oversold = expect a pause or short-term upleg.
  • May 15 - Aug. 22: Oversold, but a bearish trend still alive.
  • Oct 22, 2023  - May 16, 2024: A bear trend.
  • June 23: still a bear trend.
  • Aug.3: Breakout points to LOWER interest rates and a LOWER Dollar.
  • Sep. 10 - Nov. 16: running into resistance.
  • Dec. 19: BULL TRAP - expect a correction -   Q1 of 2025. Expect HIGHER interest rates in 2025.
  • Jan. 19, 2025: running into resistance.
Long Candle
UTIL candle2

4. Composite Index:

Composite Index
Bullish Target 22,800

COMPQ in Gold: downtrend
Resistance 18,600
Support 16,200
Bearish Target 12,200
Technical Pattern Bull Run - expect a correction.


Short Term Candle Market Comment
  • Oct 18, 2018: The 200-day MAverage indicates Leg#5 is not over.
  • Dec 28 - Jan 23, 2019: Backtest - Mind the BEARISH constellation
  • Jan 8 - Jan 28, 2020: A dangerous TOP it is.
  • July 12 - Aug 12: CRAZY - the EXPONENTIAL CLIMAX has BEGAN.
  • Nov 19 - Jan 14, 2021: The elections are over! - Our PF chart says it is a SELL! [sell-signal valid until the end of Feb 2021]
  • Mar 5 - Mar 15: BUY CLIMAX (mind the volume) = SELL!
  • Jan. 22 - Feb. 15, 2022: Breakdown and correction. See targets on PF
  • Apr. 23: Caution - Once the Critical Level is broken, the bearish target is 9,800! (also, note we have a potential bearish HS pattern in the make)
  • Sep. 16: The bearish target is 10,200 (-10 %)
  • Oct. 26 - Dec. 1: end of correction - expect higher FIAT STOCK MARKETS (nominal confusion)
  • Jan. 12, 2023: Overbought, but still Bullish!
  • May 2: But UPWARDS, we shall go..hyperinflation modus!
  • Oct. 16: End of backtest - note that the Bearish HS pattern failed. This confirms that we shall go higher.
  • June 23: a BREAKOUT—Assuming central banks continue to print massive amounts of money (and they have no choice), the stock markets will continue to soar in a Venezuelan, Argentinian, or Turkish style. You will be happy but have nothing. This is "Nominal Confusion"!
  • Aug. 3/5: Backtest.
  • Sep. 10: higher, we shall see.
  • Oct. 16 - Nov. 16: running into resistance and overbought.
  • Dec. 19 - Jan. 19, 2025: expect a correction - lasting in Q1 of 2025.
Long Term Candle

5. Dow Jones Transportation index

Dow Jones Transportation Index
Bullish Objective 18,800
Hard Support - Stop
Bearish Objective 11,200
Technical pattern BULL TREND - expect a correction.

Short candle Chart comment
  • Feb 1 - 2016: Short-term bullish
  • Jan 8, 2017: Resistance of the All-Time High.
  • Jan 9, 2018: Buy Climax?= DANGER...see TARGET on PF chart.
  • Dec 28 - Jan 22, 2019: Note the bearish wedge and four black crows
  • Jan 6 - Jan 28, 2020: I have vertigo.
  • Jan 8 - Mar 5, 2021: Higher index with LOWER VOLUME = Bearish!
  • June 19 - July 14: We warned you: Bearish DIVERGENCIES are now a reality. Expect to see lower stock markets. Maybe this is a 1929-like top.
  • Jan. 22 - Feb. 23, 2022: YES. A blow-off it was, and DOWN we go!
  • Dec. 1 - Jan. 11, 2023: still dangerously OVERBOUGHT...and a weakening Dollar!
  • Apr. 24: The end of Leg #2 equals Leg #1. We need some decent consolidation before we can see higher.
  • July 26: Breakout and overbought = expect Backtest/Correction.
  • Nov. 2: Technically a BUY!
  • Dec. 11: Bull Run.
  • Jan. 14 - May 17, 2024: We expect a CORRECTION.
  • June 25 - Aug. 4: ????
  • Sep. 10: higher, we shall see.
  • Oct. 16 - Nov. 16: running into resistance.
  • Dec. 19 - Jan. 19, 2025: Bull Trap - expect a correction - probably in Q1 of 2025.
Long candle

CENTRAL BANKS BUY SHARES...and print more money to buy more shares (Japan, Canada, Australia, FED, ECB)!
Stock Markets Will Rise as Central Banks Print Fiat Money in a Zimbabwe Style...

We expect HIGHER STOCK MARKETS!  Mind the LT Double Top breakouts and positive Backtests!

  • Venezuela, here we come.  It is essential to understand that the bullish action indicates a HYPERINFLATION situation, and stock markets will rise A LOT MORE. This will become clear once the Stock market indexes break loose from the actual resistance levels and we have positive backtests.
  • Stay away from RED-FLAGGED markets - some will continue to bottom; for others, we shall see a breakdown each time the local Bond market crashes!!! Get out of the European stock markets in distress: Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France,...but remember at all times that HYPERINFLATION and communicating financial vessels can reverse the trend of ALL stock markets overnight.
  • Some stock markets are a NO-GO because of the currency risk. Ex. Japan, South Africa...
  • Green colored charts = Bull trends, Red = bear trends, White = sideward & we don't know, Orange = DANGER-CAUTION! 
UK FTSE Swiss SMI German DAX SA-Dow Canada Dow
DAX pf1 ZADOW pf1 CADOW pf1
Bull Trend - £ is WEAK! Bull Trend Bull Trend 
Rand is VERY WEAK! Bullish Head & Shoulders
Bull Trend
Shanghai index Japan
Spanish IBEX Austrian ATX Belgium Dow
SSEC pf1 NIKK pf1 IBEX pf1 ATX pf1 BEDOW pf1
Strong Yuan
Nominal Confusion Trap: Yen is VERY WEAK!

World Index Australia Portugal Dow French CAC Dutch AEX
DJW pf1 AORD pf1 PTDOW pf1 CAC pf1 AEX pf1
Russia Brazil Greece    
RTX pf1 EWZ pf1 ATG pf1 Click here to see
how BAD reality
is when expressed
Click here to see what the FIAT reality will be.
Strong Ruble
 No Drachma to devaluate = crashing Greek assets.  

Goodbye to Overbought, and welcome to Oversold?! Overbought and Oversold mean nothing in a system where equities (stocks and bonds) are acquired with worthless fiat money (QE) is the case today!  The number of ZERO'S the stock market indexes have means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Even when a Stock Market rises by 100,000%, it will still result in a TOTAL LOSS when expressed in Worthless Fiat Currency.

Excess liquidity flows into financial assets when the money supply grows faster than nominal GDP.  However, the economy absorbs more available liquidity if the money supply grows more slowly than the nominal GDP. That’s one reason stocks go up so much when the economy is weak but the money supply is rising. At this time, with COVID-19, the Central Banks are exponentially creating money out of thin air, propelling stock markets into Hyperinflationay heavens. High nominal stock markets, however, will not enable you to buy 3 EGGS. Only those who don't do their homework and fail to understand what is happening will keep chasing Fools Gold and continue investing in stocks.

Uncertainty will grow over the coming months until the Hyper-inflationary depression sets in, and World Stock markets and interest rates start dancing to the tunes of the Zimbabwe scenario: rising Nominal Stock markets because of Quantitative Easing and Hyperinflation...but in the end, the Gold and Silver sector will perform a lot better. Those countries' stock markets (e.g., Belgium and France) where more TAXATION is expected, and those countries running into severe trouble (Greece, Italy, Portugal, etc.) will underperform. What is happening in South Africa (JSE) is an example of what is expected from other stock market indexes! [there are Capital controls in South Africa]



From now on, gold will continue to perform better than the Dow and stocks! Mind the bearish wedge; it has been activated, which means stock markets will come down, and the gold and silver sectors will go up!

INDUGOLD candle2March 17 - Oct. 16, 2024:        Expressed in Real Money The CRASH is resuming its bearish trend! Therefore, it no longer makes sense to stay in Equities. ..They are safer than bonds, bank deposits, savings accounts, and cash...
  • There is no doubt equities are a lot safer than Bonds. We have opened a RECESSION PROOF section for those seeking income and stability and refusing to affect a more significant part of their savings to the Gold/Silver and Energy sector. All shares in that section have become very expensive!
  • Markets are NEVER wrong. The trick is to be patient and listen to what they say.
  • The Dow Jones is already indicating that the USA is heading for HYPERINFLATION. (Dec 2013)
  • Markets are a WARNING for what is to come: high volatility as insecurity grows!
  • QE 4 in the EU & the USA has broken the negative trend of most Western Stock markets.
  • QE  will have a bullish impact on most European Stock Markets as it may avoid further weakness.
  • Best-case scenario: Stock markets are about to rise, expressed in Nominal terms only, because of the Hyperinflationary depression. But we may see some corrections BEFORE this happens.
  • If and when the USA's credit rating is lowered, we expect a crisis in the Bond market, which will temporarily infect the Stock markets. A crashing Bond market, a weaker and/or crashing Fiat currency, a weaker stock market, and stronger Gold. This is what the citizens of a country will see each time the system starts to fail...until Hyperinflation sets in.
  • When governments fail, intelligent investors sell their Bonds and buy Real Assets or stocks in some safer country.
  • If something goes wrong, the Chinese and Indian markets won't be able to withstand negative Western world stock markets. After all, they are subject to the HOCGood (high order capital goods) rule.
Once capital controls are enforced, the stock market will behave similarly to the SA-Dow.
The least we can expect is sideward bullish action until Hyperinflation breaks out and the index soars to the upside...The same rule applies here for the Dow Jones and the Nikkei: it doesn't make sense to buy/hold shares when the currency comes down!


 The Fiat Money BULLISH potential is 50% to 500%—use Trailing Stops and buy during Corrections and Panic Situations!

In the summer of 2017, the S&P 500 hit a new all-time high. We have much higher to go from here(after the correction). The next leg up will be broad-based among many sectors, and investors should begin accumulating. Note that gold and stocks can both go up at the same time. Only the Gold miners will go up at a faster pace.

The worst-case scenario and actual Target of the correction for the Dow is 14,200, and the SPX target is 1520. The bullish targets are exponentially higher. We have robust stock markets—AMAZING in times of recession—but this is a normal consequence of Money Printing (QE). Markets will continue to increase as long as new money is created, providing no accidents occur.

Be patient and use trailing stops - Use corrections to accumulate more common stocks, but don't exceed the proportions shown in the Investment Pyramid.

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