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  • The Goldonomic site is for serious investors only. It is run by talented people with Master's Degrees in Economics and years of experience. Initially and historically, the site is meant to be a source of information for professional investors mainly. The information  is of a high level and requires an open mind and reasoning.

    Francis Schutte

  • The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can ever help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority.

    Hendrik Ibsen-

  • The mainstream (corporate) media is nothing less than the unofficial accomplice of the banking crime syndicate which is running/ruining our markets and economies. Nowhere is this despicable relationship more apparent than in its deliberate efforts to grossly misinform investors on the critical subject of risk.

    Jeff Nielsen

  • The business of investing rationally becomes problematic when market participants are pursuing maximum nominal returns without a second thought as to the real (inflation-adjusted) value of those returns and the location of the savings. Our Goal is to maximize safety.


  • Comparing the currencies is like picking the prettiest horse in the glue factory. The history of all fiat currencies shows they all end up being valueless. Gold’s nobody else’s liability and it has no counterparty risk. It’s provided protection against destruction of wealth for centuries and we’re at the cusp of another major chapter in its illustrious history.


Free Newsletter

Buy Gold

Buy only "legal tender coins." We don't fancy collective mints; we offer our subscribers a wide variety at wholesale prices.

"NOTE as of April 6, 2021: at this time, of the 75 Gold products we have, we can only deliver 9 items!"

Buying Gold and silver is as simple as 1+1=2!

  1. Transfer the funds into a special account.
  2. Give or take 6 to 24 hours, buy your Gold and/or Silver.
  3. Decide where you want it shipped and/or in which Vault you want to store it in your personal name/box.
  4. Decide for which amount you want to ensure your holding. Note that the insurance states that in case of theft, your gold is replaced with gold, not with CASH.

We offer 146 mint products, both gold and silver. Some are legal tender, some are collectibles, and some are for investment only. The prices range from approximately $19 to $ 2,900. All products are NEW and of PERFECT quality.

Some coins are legal tender, while others are not. The premiums of Collectives, however, range from 100% to 1000% over spot. Large purchases ship free. Collective mints should NOT be bought as an investment. Be advised PREMIUMS on the price of Silver and/or Gold disappear once the price soars and that collective mints often sell at a discount during a buy climax. Of course, we also offer the traditional Gold and Silver Eagles, Maples, etc...

Regular gold & silver coins - low premiums (prices as of February 2020)

gold collective 2


  • There are NO Sales Taxes or VAT on Silver and gold bought abroad.
  • Buy gold and silver...don't try to get the lowest price...doesn't make sense at all...more important is to buy in the correct country and store it in the right vault.
gold republic

As of today – with our assistance - you can buy and sell GOLD and SILVER and take delivery of the metal worldwide. Each shipment we do is insured door to door. In case of a sale, the funds can be transferred EVERYWHERE. We accept, and you buy most Gold and Silver bars and coins. This is now also possible for SILVER. Note: We can deliver your Silver in a country where there is not a 21% tax levy.

The metal is shipped to any place you instruct...and we have Vaults with a CONCIERGE service! For storage, we now have a non-bank vault where you can ensure the stored goods for 100% of their value through Lloyds of London.  With us, it is even possible to insure your metals against terrorism and war. [note: as a rule, the safety box content in Banks is NEVER INSURED].

Click to enlarge.

Screen Shot 2020 02 24 at 9.53.22 AMClick for Kitco
  We prefer Gold COINS to gold bars...
There is only ONE WAY to invest in Gold and it is PHYSICAL. You must keep your Gold into YOUR 
PERSONAL SAFE DEPOSIT BOX out of the banking system. We know how to transport Gold legally
and where to store it safely. Contact us for a quote and any questions re. int. shipping.

You can buy Gold ingots (mostly 1 kg) or coins. When you buy Gold ingots, make sure they have a purity of "9999." In some cases—for example, French kilo bars—they come with a certificate. Be aware that it is extremely easy to check gold purity. We strongly advise physically delivering Gold and Silver and storing it in a safe place.

South African Krugerrands and Maple Leafs are low-priced, high-quality gold bullion coins that are avidly traded worldwide. Krugerrands remains one of the most successful of all modern bullion issues. Maple Leafs contain more gold than Krugerrands...but you only pay for the Gold.

Gold Krugerrands were the first gold bullion coins produced in exact 1-ounce size and sold for simply the spot gold price and a slight markup to cover manufacture and distribution. Here was a way for people to buy tradable quantities of gold without buying big bars of gold bullion or odd-weight gold coins, and you had to get out a calculator to figure out their value.

The South African Krugerrands simplified gold ownership by providing a one-troy-ounce unit of gold that was easy to buy and sell worldwide. Instead of odd-weight bars of gold, the market for private gold owners now had the convenience of mass-produced bullion coins.

Today, the huge supply of Krugerrands on the market makes it the least expensive choice in tradable gold bullion. Krugerrands are the choice of many veteran gold buyers. We prefer other Gold coins because, contrary to other coins (American Eagles, Gibraltar coins, etc.....) Krugerrands are NO legal Tender. We advise ONLY buying coins that are legal tender.

Using the durable gold standard established for gold circulating coinage more than 300 years ago, each Krugerrand is minted in 91.67% fine gold alloyed with a small amount of silver and copper added to harden and protect it against damage. Pure, 24-karat gold is quite soft. Adding alloy to pure gold makes it much more durable than gold itself. However, each coin still contains its 1-ounce of pure 24-karat gold. The alloy weight is extra.

Krugerrands are easy to sell at a gold market value almost anywhere in the world and anytime. Since its inception in 1979, Krugerrands has long been considered the international standard for gold bullion investment coins.

Easy to store and transport: Gold bullion coins are compact, convenient, and easy to store or transport. They are securely packed in small, break-proof plastic tubes perfect for home safes and bank safety deposit boxes.

The UK and all other EU members abolished VAT on all investment gold as of midnight December 31st, 1999. From January 1st, 2000, all purchases of investment gold within the EU are exempt from VAT. Exports of investment gold will be zero-rated.

When you buy Gold bars or Gold coins, you ONLY pay for the Gold content of the Gold bar or coin. A gold bar with a gold content of 9999 is better than a gold bar with a gold content of 999. If you buy a Gold bar with a Gold content (purity) of 999, you only pay 99.9%.

Gold coins come with a premium, which normally rises when the demand for the coins rises. The smaller the gold coin, the more premium you pay. Try to buy those Gold coins with the smallest premium, even when they have scratches. The idea is to buy scratched Gold coins with a ZERO % premium.

    min premium max. premium
Krugerrand NO    
Maple Leaf 1 oz 0.5% 3%
Eagle 50$ 1 oz 0.5% 3%
Nugget 100Au$ NO    
$ 20 US 30.09 gr gold
$ 10 US 15.05 gr gold  
Krugerrand NO    
Maple Leaf ½ oz - 1.01% 5.01%
¼ oz - 1.01% 8.04%
1/10 oz - 1.06% 10.03%
Vrenelis (CH) 5.085 gr gold 0.50% 2.50%
Belgian Louis (20 fr BE) 5.8 gr gold -1.01% 1.10%
Napoleon* (FR) 5.8 gr gold 0.39% 2.50%
10 Gulden (NL) 6.05 gr gold -1.00% 1.07%
Mexican Pesos 50 37.5 gr gold -0.01% 2.00%
Old Pound (UK) 7.32 gr gold -1.10% 1.07%
New Pond (UK) 7.32 gr gold -1.10% 1.07%

Specifications for Good Delivery Bars

Good Delivery Gold

  1. The physical settlement of a loco London gold trade is a bar conforming to these specifications:
    The gross weight of a bar should be expressed in troy ounces, in multiples of 0.025, rounded down to the nearest 0.025 of a troy ounce.
  2. Fineness: The minimum acceptable fineness is 995.0 parts per thousand fine gold.
  3. Preferred finess: 9999 with a certificate.


  1. Serial number
  2. Assay stamp of a refiner
  3. Fineness (to four significant figures)
  4. Year of manufacture (expressed in four digits)
  • Minimum gold content: 350 troy ounces (approximately 10.9 kilograms)
  • Maximum gold content: 430 troy ounces (approximately 13.4 kilograms)
  • Recommended dimensions (approximately)
Top Surface 255 × 81 mm
Bottom Surface 236 × 57 mm
Thickness 37 mm

  • We assist Coaching relations who wish to move part of their Gold belongings OUT OF POLITICAL REACH!
  • Such can still be done in a SAFE and LEGAL way...
  • You can even buy gold and silver and have the metals delivered to your own safety deposit box abroad.
We advise keeping 60% of your Gold OUT of POLITICAL Reach or on a different continent in Vaults outside of the Banking system. There are vaults in Canada, the USA, Mexico, Austria,...


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