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  • The Goldonomic site is for serious investors only. It is run by talented people with Master's Degrees in Economics and years of experience. Initially and historically, the site is meant to be a source of information for professional investors mainly. The information  is of a high level and requires an open mind and reasoning.

    Francis Schutte

  • The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can ever help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority.

    Hendrik Ibsen-

  • The mainstream (corporate) media is nothing less than the unofficial accomplice of the banking crime syndicate which is running/ruining our markets and economies. Nowhere is this despicable relationship more apparent than in its deliberate efforts to grossly misinform investors on the critical subject of risk.

    Jeff Nielsen

  • The business of investing rationally becomes problematic when market participants are pursuing maximum nominal returns without a second thought as to the real (inflation-adjusted) value of those returns and the location of the savings. Our Goal is to maximize safety.


  • Comparing the currencies is like picking the prettiest horse in the glue factory. The history of all fiat currencies shows they all end up being valueless. Gold’s nobody else’s liability and it has no counterparty risk. It’s provided protection against destruction of wealth for centuries and we’re at the cusp of another major chapter in its illustrious history.


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Education Hall

The economy can be great as long as they are not sponsored by Governments!



Ludwig von Mises was born on September 29, 1881, in the city of Lemberg, Austria-Hungary, (now Lviv, Ukraine), to Jewish parents Arthur Edler von Mises and Adele von Mises (née Landau). Arthur was stationed there as a construction engineer with Czernowitz railroad company. Mises had two younger brothers: physicist Richard von Mises, and later Karl von Mises, who died in infancy from scarlet fever. When Ludwig and Richard were small children, his family moved back to their ancestral home of more...

Inflation and Deflation:  The definitions of Inflation and Deflation are extremely hard to understand and are, most of the time, explained incorrectly:

  • Inflation is not an increase in the price level of goods and services. It is a more than proportionate growth of credit and money supply. The consequence of this growth is mostly, but not necessarily, an increase in the price level of goods and services.
  • Deflation is not a decrease in the price level of goods and services. It is a reduction of credit and money supply. The consequence of this action is mostly, but not necessarily, a fall in the general price level of goods and more...

 The Credit Crunch and Fractional Reserve Banking

With free capital markets, investment capital flows in increased amounts to the more profitable industries and producers and in decreased amounts to the less profitable declining industries and producers. The unencumbered free market also regulates the allocation of capital to meet the changing needs of consumers.

 The Plunge Protection Team PPT (the modern Gold Pool)

"First, the speculators get blamed for the problem of high food and raw material costs. Second, government bureaucrats and officials begin meddling, thinking their intervention will cure the problem." The first step was to start a vast communication offensive has started. It uses the same logic as was used for the Iraqi situation before the 2004 presidential election: preventing voters from becoming aware of the extent of the disaster in progress by flooding them with fictitious news, by drowning "bad" objective news in a multitude of "good subjective news" (this is what an more...[old link]

Peak Oil

Government officials and public opinion have still not understood what is really happening with energy and how Inflation, Hyperinflation, and a Demand that meets an inelastic Supply affect our daily lives and society. Read more.


High Order Capital Goods (HOCG) and Low Order Consumer Goods (LOCG) and how they behave in economic expansions (booms) and contractions (recessions) are very well explained by Ludwig von more...

Subprime CDOs (structured products), what are they, and how do they affect the banking system? more...

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Democracy, Oligopoly, Globalism and Fascism

Dangerous interpreation of Democracy and other slogans

Categories: Press, News, Literature, Education Hall


The Pyramid scheme and Peak Oil (public)

A visual presentation of Peak Oil, Fractional Reserve Banking, Agriculture, ...

Categories: Peak Oil, Money, News, Daily Research, Education Hall, Quantitative Easing, Frac. Res. Banking, FDIC - SIPC, Energy & Complex Soc.


NEWS FEBRUARY '13 (public)

When Gold leaves through the back door, WAR comes in thought the front door!

Categories: News, Education Hall


NEWS JULY 2012 (public)

If you want to know what the markets are going to do SHORT TERM, go to a CASINO or put your money into any Investment letter telling you that it will double your money overnight....for serious investment advice, read Goldonomic.

Categories: News, Education Hall



A Stock is a participation in REAL ASSETS

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