
2nd Digital Entity

It's now or never!

Will you muddle through, vote with your feet, or go for a second digital entity?

When you see that to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed. Ayn Rand; Atlas Shrugged, 1957

 These are pretty strong words… the last four, in particular.

Ayn Rand knew whereof she spoke. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905, she became politically conscious while still a child and did not favor the existing concept of constitutional monarchy. So, it would not have been surprising if she bought into Vladimir Lenin's proselytizing when the Russian Revolution broke out when she was twelve, as so many did then.

Instead, she quickly surmised that the Bolsheviks’ claim to improve life for the average man was, in reality, a plan to diminish the quality of life for all people. In doing so, the Bolsheviks confiscated her father’s business and displaced her family. They were nearly starving at one point, but 1925 she received permission to emigrate to the US. (She later attempted to get her parents and sisters out, but it proved too late.)

In establishing her now well-known beliefs in governmental systems, Ayn Rand benefited from observing the progression from a relatively benign monarchical system to totalitarianism. As a result, she not only learned that political leaders can be deceitful in their claims for social improvement but also learned firsthand that those leaders (and/or hopeful leaders) who promise that they are going to change the system so that everyone will "have all they need" are the most deceitful of all.

The greatest threat from politicians' fanciful claims lies in the populace's willingness to believe them.  Sadly, the majority of people in any country tend to be extraordinarily gullible.

The idea that some method can be found to equalize all people is patently ludicrous. There will always be differences in intellect, talent, and ambition from one individual to the next. The idea that any government should somehow force the more gifted or motivated to continually give up the fruits of their efforts while giving those fruits to those less gifted and less motivated is, by definition, unworkable.

Whether we consider it laudable or not, such an idea cannot ultimately succeed. The most that can be expected is that the idea could be successfully enforced, which would eventually result in the gifted and motivated ceasing to make the necessary effort to excel. And, of course, in socialist countries, this is what, over time, we see take place.

There is a direct relationship between the degree of government "redistribution" and the decline in effort by the gifted or motivated.

Still, there will always be those who are less gifted or less motivated and want to believe that political leaders can make this impossible concept a reality. Of course, these people can be expected to vote for or support those who make such empty promises.

Therefore, the realization that should be taken away from this discussion is that, over time, it is perfectly predictable that a given government might ultimately go in the direction of self-destruction, as it will be likely to pander to the majority who seek such largesse at the expense of others.

What, then, of the minority? What of those in that group of more gifted or motivated people—the ones that historically tend to push society forward with their abilities and efforts?

Screenshot 2024 07 18 at 10.51.25They have a choice. They can "go with the flow" should the country in question go into social and political decline; they can accept it and try to muddle through, as did Ayn Rand’s parents after the revolution. Or they can vote with their feet, as did Rand herself.

The results of these choices are plain: Zinovy and Anna Rosenbaum disappeared into Soviet obscurity, while daughter Ayn escaped to become a novelist in a freer and more inspiring country: the US.

This scenario repeated in Germany and Austria in the 1930s, when notables such as Albert Einstein, Friedrich Hayek, and Ludwig Von Mises left for the US, England, and Switzerland, respectively.

Today, we have a replay of exactly the same scenario. Only the names of the countries have changed into the EUSSR and the USARR, and because of the digitalization of the world, the escape paths have changed.

The time to vote with your (digital) feet is now! For details, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your coordinates. Only serious requests will be considered.

p.s. It has become almost impossible to export physical gold out of the EU (Including Switzerland and Norway), and it has become very difficult to transfer funds out of the EUSSR. I urge those who don't believe me to give it a try.

With second (digital) residency/passport, if done properly,  you don't have to live in that country physically and it will be the foundation of your second "digital entity"!

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