Quantitative Easing
Nothing is manufactured anymore in the USA and the EU...and we have a monetization of Debts...
Debt since1900 - November 2014 the US National Debt has soared to bn $ 18!
the only question left is when the system will collapse!
We have reached a level where the return of each additionally invested €/$ has become negative! In a system of fiat money, the amount of money/credit requested to revert a Bust into a Boom is each time bigger. In the end, the growth rate becomes exponential and the yield becomes negative. In simple words, the injected money has no effect, the authorities keep flushing the financial markets in desperation until we have hyperinflation, a collapse of the financial system, the economy, and society.
Expect more Quantitative Easing in order to save the financial system as it all gets worse...
Extremely disturbing and scary charts -