September 2023
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Physical: Add up to $200 per oz. | For physical, add up to $16 per oz. | Are you still Paper Gold? |
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Thursday/Friday, September 28-29, 2023: Gold Is On The Verge Of Being Revalued Thousands Of Dollars Higher!
Updated Sections: Gold-$, Silver, Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold,
Remember that the ONLY GOAL of each and every POLITICIAN is to stay in POWER by buying VOTES from the STUPID HERD. They do so by making false promises and lying. They don't care when they destroy society during this process.
How is this possible?
When Stalin took over the communist party in 1922, he knew food and energy were most important to people. Farms provided the food. Copper delivered energy. This wasn't just a great way to control the population...For Stalin, it would be his proof that communism works.
So when Kondratieff published a book called "The Major Economic Cycles" three years after Stalin took power, it was a "no-no." The book didn't just defy government rallied against Stalin's version of Marxism. Kondratieff pointed out several long-term, growing market cycles in agriculture and copper prices. Market cycles meant that capitalism would outperform communism in the long term. And it did.
- In 1989, Russia was bankrupt...2023, today it is prospering.
- From 1850 to 1910, Belgium was the richest country in the world. In 2023, it's a communist nest in the process of being taken over by barbaric immigrants.
- In 1945, Venezuela and Argentina were the 2 richest countries on this planet. Today, they both suffer a hyperinflationary depression. Today, ARGENTINA is a country that wants to do away with politicians.
- Until 1994, South Africa was the richest country in Africa. The economy is broken today, and since 1994, the Rand has lost 85% versus the Euro and Dollar.
"There are some idiots out there pretending that raising interest rates lowers the money supply because people borrow less when interest rates are high.
No wonder most people who listen to these charlatans are lost.
Nothing has changed...the video below is outdated but shows exactly what the Herd and Political leaders are like. Are you also one of those staring at Hillary?
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is more significant than 2006.
"This is the Biggest Real Estate Bubble ever!"
Real Estate provides absolutely no protection against hyperinflation. On the contrary, if acquired with credit and/or a mortgage, it becomes suicidal.
What is the performance of the stocks we advise and follow? The following tables will be published in each corresponding section. Below are the tables for the performance of ....
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Recession Hold +45% | Recession +119% | Pharma +115% |
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Monday/Wednesday, September 25-27, 2023: We told you so...why were you so stubborn?!
Updated Sections: US Dollar, Dollar Fundamentals, Euro and €-Gold,
Over 10,000 migrants cross the US border in one morning. DHS to offer work permits deportation protection to over 470,000 Venezuelans amid new border surge. It's the same scenario in Lampedusa. What happened looks more like an organized invasion. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced the creation of new Identification and Expulsion Centers after the island received a record-breaking 12,000 migrants in just four days. Lampedusa has a native population of only 6000.
Bread and games it is: while the Romans (EU-USA) are enjoying the "bread and games, " the barbarians are invading their country and culture right under their eyes. Worse and unimaginable is that the natives even assist and encourage the invading barbarians.
A straight line just a few meters wide in the sea, in the middle of the harbor, traces an imaginary border between Lampedusa’s two realities. On one side is a row of pleasure boats, their spotless, gleaming white hulls. Lively music plays on some of them, and tourists in bathing suits with drinks in hand are constantly coming and going. On the other side, there is a pile of empty barges, some made of rusty metal and others of wood, all of them damaged and punished by the water. On this side, there’s the wail of ambulance sirens and the hustle and bustle of health workers and volunteers from humanitarian organizations going from one side to the other with thermal emergency blankets.
Video, especially for those who still don't realize we are Modern Slaves.
Video, especially for those who don't understand the DANGER of Fractional Reserve Banking.
Do you know that there are Financial Retards selling financial advice that pretend Central Banks' reason for being is to "Contol Inflation"?!
Note: Banking has become a fully digital operation...decorated with a small amount of Bank Notes.
What is the performance of the stocks we advise and follow? The following tables will be published in each corresponding section. Below are the tables for the performance of Royalties, Majors, and Juniors.
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Royalties +43% | Majors +114% | Juniors +115% |
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Thursday/Friday, September 21-22, 2023: Real Estate, a house is not an investment but a consumption good!
Updated Sections: The secret of Wealth Preservation, Weimar Hyperinflationary Depression,
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Which way, America? What are the forces conspiring to bring us down and destroy our country? Former senior advisor to acting Secretary of Defense Doug Macgregor offers insights into what we can do to reclaim the Republic...
Only the desired sound (including the desired opposition sound) breaks through all the barriers erected. And those who have not yet realized this and still take a serious bite at the cake on offer are still part of the Truman Show and letting it direct their lives.
It is, therefore, pointless to be on social media like Twitter because that is where you encounter Twitter, the twittering sound of the noise of the old radios when you turn the search knob. It's all noise, and noise sounds like tweet-tweet-tweet. Twitter (nowadays, X) is nothing more than a propaganda channel where all kinds of minions throw their minion one-liners over the fence. To that, bots and state agents are allowed to tweet many responses, and then you have a stream of noise. If you add up all that noise, you have a tsunami of noise, and it is nothing more than a bucket of noise. The twittering of a horde of blackbirds flying toward you in a cloud.
Why a Gold Pool? Why a PPT (plunge protection team), why SWAP agreements??
A dangerous trap. The ruling power knows full well that creating a certain expectation leads to disappointment and thus undermines the essence. The danger of focusing on a date is that your ego program focuses on it, leading to disappointment if it doesn't pan out. Shift the focus. Don't become a victim of Cassandra!
Cassandra was a Trojan priestess, fated to utter true prophecies but never to be believed. In modern usage, her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate a person whose accurate prophecies, generally of impending disaster, are not believed.
"The longer it takes before we have a catharsis, a Black Swan, the less THE HERD believes the prophecy will happen, and they stop preparing."
Politicians, in order to stay in power, always try to postpone the inevitable...Every instrument, every possible arrow, is used. Even if it means that by doing so, they get more followers, but at the same time, they make the problem worse.
Nobody expected that there would be a Bank Holiday on March 15, 1968. In the preceding years, banks, Central Banks, and Politicians had been doing the impossible to keep control over the Gold market. Economists and specialists who had been forecasting the situation were laughed at and called Gold Bugs. In March 1968, however, the situation (read SHORTS) had become unbearable, and the losses were so big that something had to be done.
Upon request of the American Government, the Queen of England announced a Bank Holiday. Two weeks later, when the Gold market opened again, the price of Gold at first DOUBLED and, over the next years, climaxed to $850/oz (1981). This was 27 times the price of 1968 or an increase of 2,550% (over a period of 13 years). Since 2002-03 until today (10 years), the price of Gold has only gone up by 900% (Mr. Amstrong, did you do better?), and we know that we are not done yet. (Mr. Armstrong) This time, because of fiat money and derivatives (not existing before 1971), l expect Gold to go up by more than 2,550%! How many know how much the price of Gold went up during the Weimar Hyperinflationary Depression? ...and PLEASE stop saying that this will NEVER happen again. Don't be naive.
P.S. Ripley's, believe it or not, Wikipedia dares to pretend that the main duty of the Gold Pool (November 1961) was to see that Gold's price never fell too low and that it failed because France decided to leave the group!? They omit to tell that the Gold Pool's main job was to see that the price of Gold stayed BELOW $35 per oz. Wikipedia also doesn't mention that the Gold Pool failed after the accumulated losses of the Gold banks became too high, and General De Gaulle (France) required that all Gold would be physically delivered to France.
The ignorants who laugh at what they call Gold Bugs don't seem to know that Physical Silver went up by 40% over the past years. And that Physical Gold is selling at a higher price in China than it is on the COMEX. They also have no clue about the Modern Gold pool that, in order to control the price of Gold, sold BILLIONS of Gold over the past years on the Western Fiat Markets. The same ignorants have no clue about the fact that over the past years (Central)banks have been accumulating tons of physical Gold (Basel III). Last but not least, few understand that the longer the price of Gold and Silver are rigged, the stronger and the more powerful the coming squeeze will be.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is more significant than 2006.
"This is the Biggest Real Estate Bubble ever!"
Important Fundamentals:
- No Inflation? Central Banks and politicians are creating money like there is no tomorrow...
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For premium members only. ![]() |
The Dollar is Toast! | Those who sell their Dollars are almost forced to use the funds to buy Gold... |
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<--This is Inflation, higher interest rates, and higher gold/silver. In only 2 years (2020-2022), they created more money than from 1913 to 2020!! |
Important Technicals.
- See the charts below: we told you so for months...
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Monday/Wednesday, September 18-20, 2023: Movies, soccer, beer, gambling, and, above all, fear formed their whole horizon and filled their minds!
Updated Sections: Crude Oil price , Solar & Rare Elements, Agriculturals, Copper, Platinum,
Non-Ferrous & shares, Long Term Commodity Charts, Commodities expressed in Gold,
Inflation Index, Bonds USA, Treasuries in the EU, Corporate Bonds
Movies, soccer, beer, gambling, and, above all, fear formed their whole horizon and filled their minds. Keeping them under control wasn't difficult at all. George Orwell 1984-2023.
Years ago, when Rome was burning, Romans left their fields uncultivated and moved to Rome, where everything was free and where they could entertain themselves in the circus. At the same time, the Barbarians moved in from all parts of the world and took over what was left of the Roman Empire.
Today, the farmers are legally chased out of their farms (Nitrogen, CO2,..), and the Barbarians are invited from all parts of the world. Once they land via the Mexican Border or the Mediterranean Sea, the Empire takes full care of them with medical assistance, food, housing, and pocket money. The citizens (who are watching football, television,...) and their children unknowingly pay for it by taxation and inflation (money printing).
To ensure that the HERD is complying properly, they also use FEAR, a lot of FEAR! “There is a lot of fear being brought in. But why?"
1. Climate change: Capel explains that the climate has something to do with the earth's position in relation to the sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun in an ellipse, which gets bigger and smaller over 100,000 years. In addition, you have the wobble of the earth's axis, which is a cycle of 41,000 years. Third, there is the precession of the Earth's axis. The period of the precession is 26,000 years. “These cycles are extremely important for the climate,” Capel emphasizes. He points out that the Elfstedentocht always coincides with periods of low solar activity. “If that really pops, you can leave your skates in the grease.”
2. Sea level rise: The sea level has followed a fixed pattern for more than half a billion years: one moment it is high, and the next moment, it is low. At the moment, we are at the top. “That goes without saying.”
3. Pandemic: Capel says the contribution to diseases via a pandemic is almost three times nothing. “The ones of the last three years, we've already discussed that. That was not quite natural.” We do have to worry about the autoimmune diseases. “Now it's flying around your ears. Some weird treatment has been pushing that for the last two years, some cheapie. We should really be concerned about that.”
4. Nitrogen: The farts of the cow affect the whole world. "Sure." Nitrogen (N2) is odorless, does not react, and makes up 78 percent of our atmosphere. That is absorbed and converted into ammonium, nitrates, and nitrites, the plant food. Thus, the food chain begins to turn. “This is a hugely important cycle. Nitrogen is one of the greatest sources of life.” “Then they also say that these are greenhouse gases. It couldn't be more absurd."
5. Warm-up: The temperature on Earth has been fluctuating within relatively small margins for a million years. We're at the top now; if you're at the bottom, it's an ice age.
6. CO2: CO2 always lags behind temperature, not vice versa. The temperature rises before the CO2 rises, also in our time, says Capel.
7. Energy: We need enormous raw materials if we want to switch completely to 'sustainable' energy sources. So far, 700 million tons of copper have been mined. As far as is known, there are still 880 million tons in the soil. We will run through this in a few years, Capel notes.
Today's Gold pool is about to fall apart. The BAD guys can no longer stop it (March 16, 2020).
They (even with the help of derivatives) can ONLY rig the PAPER MARKETS and can only rig these for so long. The Bad guys and central Bankers, the BIS, can no longer stop it. There is a $14 (Dec 2022) premium on Silver Eagles – Gold and Silver are soon going ballistic...Soon, Gold will be too expensive for ordinary people, and they will rush on Silver like there is no tomorrow. $50 Silver will be cheap!
"Friday, March 15th, 1968 we had a “bank holiday”
- On Friday, March 8th, 1968, London sold 100 tons of gold at the market, up from around 5 tons on average. The following Sunday evening, the pool released the statement, "The London Gold Pool re-affirm their determination to support the pool at a fixed price of $35 per oz". Fed chairman William McChesney-Martin announced the US would defend the $35 per oz gold price "down to the last ingot." That week, the London Gold Pool continued to fight the free market process and defend $35.20 gold. By midweek, emergency airlifted several planeloads of gold from the US to London to meet demand. On Wednesday, the London market sold 175 tons, 30 times its normal daily turnover, and demand exceeded 225 tons by Thursday.
- On Friday, March 15th, 1968, Queen Elizabeth declared a bank holiday after a meeting at Buckingham Palace the evening before." The London gold market was officially closed for two weeks, and when it re-opened two weeks later, we were introduced to ‘two-tier’ gold prices. One for banks and one for the private sector. Once the banks threw in the towel, gold rose to $ 850.00 in February 1980. A rise of almost 2400%. It finally took Paul Volcker and interest rates of over 25% to halt the price here for more.: The Gold pool
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is more significant than 2006.
A house for 5 x 1 oz. of Gold: We are heading for a Cat 5 storm, probably even for a Hurricane!
If the price of Real Estate goes up by 8% but the inflation is 16%, you annually lose 8% on your home. If on top the value of your currency crashes by 20%, you lose 28%. We call it Nominal Confusion.
Important Fundamentals:
- It makes no sense to publish the following information in the public section as the reader would not understand it and laugh this reality away:
Important Technicals.
- See the charts below:
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Thursday/Friday, September, 14-15, 2023: Government makes everything more expensive; Capitalism makes everything cheaper!
Updated Sections: Investment Pyramid, Recession Proof - hold, Bio Tech-Pharma, Oil Shares,
Natural Gas & shares, Uranium Shares, Bank & Fin. Shares,
Russia is Driving the Multi-Trillion Gold Runaway Train
It is not what it appears it is. Even experienced chess players will find it hard to analyze what is unfolding under our eyes. As usual, the Herd will only see weaker currencies (the Ruble), stronger currencies (a death cat bounce of the Dollar), and an underperforming Gold and Silver market...and, as usual, make incorrect conclusions.
Timing has always been extremely hard. Unless of course for those who have a crystal ball, Politicians, and incompetent journalists. Journalists are either completely incompetent morons or they are 100% controlled by the Authorities. Whatever it is, the result is the same: the public is misled.
The Russian Ruble has been weak over the past weeks because Russia boosted the sale of Crude Oil for Gold instead of Rubles by paying more for Gold than the market price. A lower-than-average demand for Rubles, of course, results in a weaker Ruble (Such is for Russia not important as the country has a surplus on the Balance of Trade).
At the same time, because of a higher demand for physical Gold, the fiat price was xxxxxxxxxxx see subscribers section below xxxxxxxxxx. And yes, Banks are protecting themselves by "Stop Buys" in case, for some reason, the Gold price breaks up a critical Resistance level.
Hence, The FED had no alternative and had to fight several dangerous market issues: The Dollar had to be supported (Gold and Dollar are anti-poles), and the fiat price of Gold had to be regulated (controlled down) to avoid the activation of the massive STOP BUY orders. This would have pushed the Gold price through the $2,020 level and attracted a lot of unwanted attraction from the MSM and the Herd.
Few insiders know that Russia is accepting Gold instead of currencies (Dollars, Euros,..) for Crude Oil and that it is more interesting for the Crude Oil buyer to pay with physical Gold than with currency. The mechanism allows Russia to increase its physical gold stock without noticing it. Also, as Russia accepts Gold as payment for Crude Oil, the metal is an excellent instrument for all those who want to circumvent the sanctions.
It is only a matter of time before Gold breaks the $1,980.50 STOP BUY level. When it does, we will probably see fireworks. As usual, the dumb herd, those who think they know better and all those waiting for a sign out of heaven before acting, will be left on the sidelines...and, if still able to buy Gold and Silver, they will have to pay a much higher price.
95% of our readers have NO CLUE of the Gold Pool and what happened in the 1960s and in April 1968. They think we are pessimists (not realists) selling BS and keep listening to the MSM and Politicians...just like those who did in the 1960s. They don't for a split second realize that today is different and a LOT WORSE because of the very existence of FIAT MONEY and a Quadrillion or more of DERIVATIVES. (In the 1960s, the currencies were still guaranteed in Gold).
You still don't have a second passport? No plan B? Better prepare for the worst once we get more war.
Shit can happen if you don't have a second passport. Especially when you only have one passport!..leaving your country with the wrong passport does no longer solve the problem: you will be sent to WAR and become Canon Meat. [exceptions apply for permanent residents]
Ukrainians living in Ireland have recently received notices from the Irish Ministry of Justice stating that they are being arrested and deported to Ukraine to complete their military service. Recipients are warned that they could end up in jail if they ignore the notice, reports Hal Turner.
In a nutshell, it goes like this: Ukrainians all over the world have received letters from the Ukrainian government telling them to come home to do military service and fight in the war. They didn't come home and didn't respond, so Ukraine has issued criminal arrest warrants for them. Countries, where these people are located, MUST deport someone for a criminal warrant because extradition is agreed upon by the treaty.
Lesson: When you decide to do something, do it well or don't do it. Ukrainian citizens who left their country and war zone, have now also become future CANNON MEAT. In other words, being GREEDY on spending money for a 2nd passport, can cost your life. Start the procedure for your second passport and that of your loved ones TODAY! We have experience and can help. Subscribe to our services.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is more significant than in 2006.
We are heading for a Cat 5 Real Estate storm, probably even for a Hurricane!
Important Fundamentals:
- Interest rates will continue to rise; inflation will continue to rise; the stock market indices will continue to rise; the bond markets will continue to crash; Real estate markets will continue to crash....Expressed in real money (gold, silver), ALL markets mentioned above will crash! This will largely happen unnoticed (nominal confusion). Anyone who refuses to accept this logic will, over the next years, lose most of his wealth! F. Schutte
Important Technicals.
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Monday/Wednesday, September, 11-13, 2023: Western leaders are all fighting for their survival in power.
Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Index In Real Money/Gold, Long Term Charts,
Royalty Co's, Gold & Silver Majors, Miners & Gold vs SPX, GS Share Fundamentals,
Gold & Silver Juniors, Recession Proof Shs (LOCG), Recession Proof - hold,
Bio Tech-Pharma, Oil Shares,
This is how the big hyperinflationary depression of the 21st century is made:
Whatever the authorities pretend, it is simply impossible to control inflation by raising interest rates...
this ALWAYS results in less economic activity and more depression....
while more money supply results in more inflation and higher interest rates.
The Third World War has already started and people should expect more conflicts to break out.
- Apple lost nearly $200 billion in stock market value in two days due to the Chinese iPhone ban, clearly as revenge for the banning of Chinese products in the U.S.A. like Huawei and TikTok.
- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is rapidly militarizing his country and has instructed its army to "prepare for war" and "fight and win" it. Chinese ruler Xi Jinping replaced the senior leadership of China's Rocket Force, responsible for almost all of China's 400 nuclear warheads. These personnel changes are part of what is almost certainly the most ominous development of this time. It looks like Xi is contemplating using or at least threatening to use his most destructive weapons.
This is how the politicians steal from us (apart from taxation and inflation):
To stem the bleeding and refill the Treasury's accounts, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the confiscation of gold. Under penalty of fines and prison, the government forced Americans to turn in their gold, paying $20.67 for every single ounce turned in. Then, with the stroke of his pen, Roosevelt hiked the price to $35 – essentially causing a price shock that ended with Americans losing 69% of their hard-earned savings. Most Americans could therefore also not profit from the majestic Bull run that ended at a price level of $850 in 1981!
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is more significant than the 2006 one.
- For premium members only.
- Print out the chart below and stick it to the wall for this is exactly how people are reacting now! Just like for inflation, it's all temporary, and soon Real Estate prices will resume their Bull Trend...WE ARE SURE THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN!
Important Fundamentals:
- The dollar is running up a hill like a chicken without a head.
- For premium members only.
Important Technicals.
- Most Stock Market indexes are completing
- For premium members only.
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Friday, September 8, 2023: Gold is nature's money.
Updated Sections: CRS & FATCA (UBO), Real Estate in Spain, Real Estate in South Africa
Gold is nature’s money. Aristotle listed four characteristics of sound money: it must be durable, portable, divisible, and have intrinsic value. Gold possesses all of these characteristics, which is why gold has served as money for thousands of years.
Today, Gold and Silver are used in many parts of the world, and several countries to buy goods and services. In some countries (Zimbabwe, Venezuela), people go out panning gold on a daily basis and use the gold to buy food.
"I personally know of people who during WW2 bought their freedom with Gold coins."
The video is especially for all those pretending that "one can't eat Gold and/or silver.
Note: Most of the Sheeple Investors (one can't really call these people these rather look like Gamblers) don't invest/buy Gold and Silver because they don't see the price go up. A terrible mistake they make?! More in the Subscribers sections. See below.
Now you see me, now you don’t: using citizenship and residency by investment to avoid the automatic exchange of banking information.
The Common Reporting Standard (CRS), developed in response to the G20 request and approved by the OECD Council on 15 July 2014, calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. The following data is passed on by the banks to the local tax authority. The local tax authority then passes it on to the tax authority of the country (or countries) where you are here for more - CRS & FATCA (UBO)
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is bigger than the 2006 one. [This time the info is available to all.]
The fastest way to lose a lot of money is by buying an Automobile and a house.
Remember last month's predictions on Real Estate and the BUBBLE charts where #1 was Spain. See how today, the Spanish Real Estate prices start to crash, and remember an old Spanish saying: the fastest way to lose a lot of money is by buying an Automobile and a house. As you can see in the other pictures, in the USA, the same is happening.
In the USA just 29 of the 150 largest metropolitan areas saw a year-over-year increase in the number of homes with price reductions in July. Across the country, only about 15.5% of all homes listed on underwent a price cut that month. That was down from 19.1% the previous July. The ones that are currently seeing a spike in price cuts tend to be in the South and Midwest, where the number of homes for sale has been growing along with prices. All but one of our top 10 price-reduced markets experienced a double-digit increase in inventory compared with a year earlier.
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A price decrease of 30% |
A price decrease of 30% |
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A price decrease of 37% |
A similar 30% down in the USA. |
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Tuesday/Thursday, 5-7, 2023: HOW BIG IS THE REAL ESTATE BUBBLE?
Updated Sections: Swedish Krona & Gold, Aussie & Gold, Yen & Gold, SA Rand & Gold,
YES, in my opinion, there also is no doubt that this Ukraine War will end...and that it will at some time in the near future evolve into a World War. Tucker shares that he regrets supporting the war in Iraq, how the CIA not having adequate oversight is a threat to Democracy, and he bets his house that we’ll go to war with Russia and the devastating consequences to follow. Tucker succinctly shares how much the media depends on the government and how that influences the news we’re all spoonfed. Adam also has Tucker go into detail about his interview with Trump, and how Trump’s immediate environments strongly influence what kind of interview he gives. Tucker shares some personal insight about Trump as a person vs. a politician and businessman.
There will be a HOT war between the USA and Russia next year with no hope of peace in Ukraine – Only a war with the United States and NATO. We are going to war with Russia. This will probably happen overnight and have a severe impact on the financial markets. US and NATO troops will be deployed to Europe after Russia slaughters the rest of the Ukraine army. General mobilization in Europe is certainly extremely plausible.
In the meantime, the politicians are looting the country and they don't want you to see it.
Legal Theft in all its' Glory.: How is our labor and ingenuity stolen from us? Taxation!
To stem the bleeding and refill the Treasury's accounts, President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the confiscation of gold. Under penalty of fines and prison, the government forced Americans to turn in their gold, paying $20.67 for every single ounce turned in. Then, with the stroke of his pen, Roosevelt hiked the price to $35 – essentially causing a price shock that ended with Americans losing 70% of their hard-earned savings.
- Income Tax: Tax on an individual’s or business’s earnings or profits.
- Corporate Tax: Tax imposed on the profits of corporations or businesses.
- Property Tax: Tax on the value of real estate or other types of property.
- Sales Tax: Tax added to the price of goods and services at the point of sale.
- Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax added to the value of goods and services at each stage of production or distribution.
- Goods and Services Tax (GST): Similar to VAT, this is a tax on the consumption of goods and services.
- Capital Gains Tax: Tax on the profit realized from the sale of an asset, such as stocks, real estate, or valuable items.
- Inheritance Tax / Estate Tax: Tax on the value of an individual’s estate after their death, which is passed on to their heirs.
- Gift Tax: Tax on the transfer of property or money to another person without receiving full value in return.
- Wealth Tax: Tax on an individual’s net wealth, usually including assets like real estate, investments, and valuable possessions.
- Excise Tax: Tax on specific goods, often those that are considered harmful, such as alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline.
- Sin Tax: A subset of excise tax, specifically targeting items that are considered socially harmful, like alcohol and tobacco.
- Payroll Tax: Tax imposed on the wages paid to employees, often used to fund social security and other benefits.
- Social Security Tax: Tax used to fund social security programs, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.
- Property Transfer Tax: Tax imposed on the transfer of property from one owner to another.
- Tariffs: Taxes imposed on imports or exports of goods, usually to protect domestic industries or generate revenue.
- Local Taxes: Taxes imposed by local governments, such as city or county governments, to fund local services.
- State Taxes: Taxes imposed by state governments, which can include income tax, sales tax, and other specific taxes.
- Luxury Tax: Tax on luxury goods or services to discourage excessive spending on non-essential items.
- Environmental Taxes: Taxes aimed at reducing environmental harm, such as carbon taxes on carbon emissions.
- Financial Transaction Tax: Tax on financial transactions, such as stock trades or currency exchanges.
- Road Usage Tax: Tax imposed on the use of roads, often applied to gasoline or vehicle registration.
- Occupational Tax: Tax on individuals or businesses for the privilege of conducting a certain profession or trade.
They have left out of this list the most insidious of all taxes – inflation plus a few I am certain I can’t think of. When and where does it stop? The empire-building within departments is rife, with ever-growing taxes being consumed in government salaries and largesse. Each department then has to justify its existence, with evermore laws and compliances by the fewer and fewer people and companies actually producing for the economy, further crippling the producers.
The answer is to minimize taxes paid as far as legally possible and/or move businesses into more favorable jurisdictions which are unfortunately also under attack by OECD and the like to minimize competition for taxes. The answer is a plan B and to move the bulk of your savings out of political reach. [courtesy L.S.]
A real Estate Bubble is the most vicious of all bubbles because once the market dries up, it becomes impossible to sell at a decent price, Foreclosures make the crash even bigger, and sellers are, therefore only able to sell at the lowest of the market. That is if they can sell at all!
Also, when it comes to a War, Real Estate is TOAST. If you don't believe me, ask the people living in Ukraine, in Kiew.
more in the Subscribers section below.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): Today's Real Estate bubble is bigger than the 2006 one.
Percentage Difference Between Home Prices and Real DPI:
- 2006: (185-120)/120 * 100 = 54.17 Percent
- 2023: (305-169)/169 * 100) = 80.47 percent
On a real DPI basis,
Important Fundamentals:
- Fresh ALL-TIME HIGH for Gold expressed in Australian Dollar, Yen, and in Swedish Krona.
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Important Technicals.
- The gold stocks are beginning to outperform
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A Historic low mean. | |
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Only CHARLATANS can forecast exactly WHEN an event is to happen! |
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Friday, September 1st, 2023: Sometimes I fear Gold and Silver are walking the same scenario/path as they did in the 1960s!
Updated Sections: Euro and €-Gold, Candollar & Gold, British Pound & Gold
"The DERIVATIVES and/or other financial instruments that are used to rig the Gold and Silver price were NOT available in the 1960s!" - see The Gold pool.
Inflation and Politics...better is to say: Inflation created by Politicians! Argentina has been hit by a wave of looting that has ratcheted up political tensions ahead of the October elections as the country grapples with 113 percent annual inflation.
Since Friday, groups of people, sometimes dozens at a time, have forced their way into supermarkets and other stores, fueled by calls on social media, authorities say. [This also already happened in California, USA - Don't go shopping at Walmart after sunset!]
Around 200 people, many of them minors, have been arrested for what locals call "piranha attacks" -- from the outskirts of the capital Buenos Aires to the Patagonian city of Bariloche and the Mendoza wine region.
Argentina has been hit by a wave of looting that has ratcheted up political tensions ahead of the October elections as the country grapples with 113% annual inflation. Since Friday, groups of people, sometimes dozens at a time, have forced their way into supermarkets and other stores, fueled by calls on social media, authorities say.
"We expect to see this happening in the coming years in Europe and the United States. As a matter of fact, the looting already is happening on a smaller scale in California."
As FACT CHECKER pretend Kissinger NEVER said this, I'll make it MY statement. “Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009: ‘Once The herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- ‘for the greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. And what better to control the SHEEP by using FEAR!?
The only way the Politicians can ensure their lies are not discovered by the Herd and that as a consequence they lose their jobs and possibly their lives, is to control social media in the same way they control the MSM today. Centuries ago, exactly the same problem occurred with the printing press which made it possible everybody could read the bible and see that the Clergy was just selling LIES. The situation quickly ran out of hand and became so bad that the Pope had to excommunicate Luther and Calvin. However, evil was done and the Printing press and the fact that people could read, signaled the end of the Catholic Empire.
As Don Quichote is how I feel. Certainly so when I hear that some people pretend that today, the price of Gold is too high. Pretending that the price of gold is too high,
is about the same as pretending that the "Standard METER" is too long.
There still are ways to escape the DDR 4.0, the EUSSR.
No plan B? No second passport: "Want to open a bank account? No bank account without a passport...
your passport has dramatic implications for any financial account"
We chose Panama because it exceeds all the requirements you could desire in international storage and asset protection services...and comes with a concierge service. For more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There are those who try to understand and those whose object is to influence events. To succeed, even partially, in either of these endeavors demands a lifetime of effort. No man therefore is able to do both -
- Goldonomic is a distillate of the overload of information that inundates us daily. Government, media, bankers, brokers, croupiers, charlatans, sometimes the wives, your children...a group of thieves and/or emotional ignorants who don't know what they're talking about. Who have no solid education and do not think.
- Goldonomic is a tool for the prudent, thinking investor. Initially and historically, the site was meant to be a source of information for professional investors. And it still is. The information we provide is of a high level and needs an open mind, reading attention, reasoning, and patience. Not everybody is mentally able to assimilate the information.
- We provide an institutional-level investment information. Something that should be taken into account by professional investors.
Francis D. Schutte has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at Goldonomic since 2002. Mr. Schutte has been in the markets on some level since 1972. He has been a banker and a stockbroker (Belgium, Canada, NY) and studied world currencies since 1972. For several years and until 1985, he has also managed Real Estate. He has been living on four continents. He strongly believes that we need to be as independent as possible to survive and thrive through hyperinflation. His motto is a Planb B (second Passport/Permanent Residency), Physical Gold and silver OUT OF POLITICAL REACH, barter ability, and wealth preservation.
Our Real Estate Corner (only for Subscribers): The Invisible Crash of the 1970s-1980s.
At this time, the Real Estate cycle is undoubtedly in a status of Euphoria and Complacency. What most people don't realize, is that as interest rates rise, the mortgages with flexible interest rates are also reset (higher monthly payments) and that this directly affects the VALUE of all Real Estate. Also, when the value of one property in your street comes down because of forced selling and/or foreclosure, the value of ALL properties in your street comes down.
Important Fundamentals:
- The higher the fixed mortgage rate,
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Important Technicals.
- Remarkable is to see that all Western world stock markets move
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