
The Gold price for the next 16 years

Dr. Evans

The high rate of debasement of paper currencies ensures the gold price trend will be solidly up until interest rates rise sharply, to maybe 15% in 2028. Dr David Evans, 23 May 2012

goldmoneyGold is monetary. It is the main non-government currency, evolved in the marketplace over 5,000 years.

If you want shiny yellow stuff for jewelry, there are plenty of cheaper alternatives—jewelry is made of gold because gold is valuable, and gold is valuable because it is money. Gold is not a commodity like wheat or iron, because it does not get used up—nearly all the gold ever mined is still available for sale at the right price. Nor is gold an investment that produces goods and services, like farms or factories—it is just a medium of exchange, like cash.

Gold becomes a good investment only when the other currencies are failing, inflating, and debasing. This is one of those times.

click here for more...an excellent down to earth article!

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