
St-Kitts & Nevis passport

Today's best PLAN B: easy and affordable!

The EUSSR (yes, the EU is 100% Communism) is BLACKMAILING most countries offering a second passport/permanent residency program! - click here -

July 30, 2023: Because of pressure exercised by the EU(SSR), better call it Shengen BLACKMAIL, all countries allowing citizenship by investment had/have to make their program more difficult and more expensive.  This results in a higher application cost. In many cases, the end cost is double what is used to be. The EU(SSR) dislikes seeing its slaves leave with their fortunes. They want them to stay so that they can slaughter them and seize their belongings when the time has come.

SK Nevis July 27

Moreover, apart from the Panama Residency/Passport program, we offer other exciting alternatives: Paraguay, St-Kitts, St-Vincent & the Grenadines, Barbados,...We always try to evaluate the best program for a family to follow, and we assist every applicant personally until the end of the procedure.


A second passport/residency has become a VITAL element for all those who don't want to become political and/or economic-financial prisoners of a Communist country). During the COVID lockdowns, we have experienced that relations we assisted in obtaining a second passport/permanent residency were able to travel worldwide at all times.

A second passport/ permanent residency offers way more advantages than we are prepared to discuss openly.  However, we know that is has become vital to your financial safety.  We already know that those who don't have a "plan B"  and refuse to give it a go will, at some time in the future, pay a high price for it.

The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has a long-running “Citizenship-by-investment” program attracting foreigners who make a substantial contribution to the development of the country.  Investors and family members can directly qualify for citizenship through investment, donating or investing in a real estate purchase. The advantage is that you don't have to travel to St-Kitts, and we can deliver your passport within 3 months at your doorstep.

Citizenship Benefits:

– Visa-free travel to all EU Schengen countries, including Switzerland, the UK and Ireland.
– No residency or personal visit to St Kitt's is needed
– Tax-free – no income, inheritance, or wealth tax.
– Lifetime citizenship.
– Easy second passport and citizenship for your family members.
– Privacy in a small, peaceful country.
– Dual citizenship benefits.
– Processing time only 3 months
– Free movement in the CARICOM.

Additional advantages (courtesy M.A.):

  • 1. Mobility:  Added ease of moving and traveling around the globe, especially in the case of a socioeconomic crisis where mobility is suddenly reduced, or capital motion is impaired due to the geopolitical nature of a single passport.
  • 2. Safety & Security:  Getting a second citizenship in another country is the best insurance policy; it offers protection from any invasive new laws and can help provide a second country of citizenship and even stable residency in the case of sudden war or undesirable military activity, political or economic crisis, or even natural disasters.
  • 3. Taxation benefits:  Dual citizenship can help ease planning for a much wiser and more long-term favorable tax strategy and can offer protection of assets against an indebted state or a harsh fiscal climate.
  • 4. Business: Greater access to new professional markets, existing and emerging. Unlike foreigners, dual citizens do not require lengthy visas/permits to visit new sets of countries where they have joint citizenship, and they can stay for as long as they require. They also have the right to seek work and residency immediately in a wider array of countries, while foreigners must pass through a complex process to get permission to reside.
  • 5. Quality of Life: One can access first-class education for children (world-renowned universities, top-tier education, and diverse employment opportunities); children also have access to a broader job market worldwide.
  • 6. Conscription:  is not fully protected, but some substantial protections can still be achieved.


  1. The St. Kitts & Nevis passport is very well regarded and has an excellent reputation, and only relatively few passports have been issued under this citizenship-by-investment program by the Government.
  2. The citizenship program also does not involve "linguistic and/or historical tests" (like some other jurisdictions & countries might sometimes request in order for the applicant to fully "pass" the citizenship entry acceptance exam)
  3. As such, no physical visit/presence is required (correct), and there also are no particular tests of acceptance.

Contact us for details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (we speak English, French, German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian)

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