NEWS JAN '15 (public)
The Federal Reserve has become a Major Trading Desk covering it losses with Fiat Money...
Friday January 30, 2015 - Panama has a shortage of 137,000 social homes -
Updated sections: $-Gold , € - Gold , Silver , £-Gold & £/$/€ , Crude Oil , Oil shares
Panama must over the next years built 137,000 Social houses. Today the maximum building potential is limited to 5,000 to 6,000 houses per year. The problem being an almost zero unemployment and the unavailability of trained builders, contractors and building co's. As the minimum wage level was recently doubled, we expect that the demand for social housing will continue to soar. So much for what certain illiterates dare to call a 'banana republic' [note: the Chiquita banana is grown in Panama]
Important Technicals: see subscriber's sections
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday January 29, 2015 - Let's go technical...for subscribers !
Updated sections: Aussie-Gold, Loonie-Gold, Indian Rupee-Gold , Yuan-Gold , Yen-Gold , World Stock Market indexes ,
Important Technicals:
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday January 28, 2015 - No Depression...!?...dangerous propaganda!
Updated sections:
International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) will be laying off 26% of its employees (over 100,000) next week...Those who pretend all goes well should be ashame of themselves.
The Dow Jones and the SP500 have both fallen through their 200 day Moving Average. Adding injury to accident, the odds are that the upcoming Earnings season could push US-equities away from the top towards the bottom of their trading channel. The critical part of this correction will be whether or not we'll have a BACKTEST or a more severe correction which could push down indexes by 50% to 60%. Weaker stock markets will force authorities to start printing more money at a faster rate. As soon as the financial markets perceive this will happen, markets will turn up again and signal the beginning of the hyper-inflation cycle.
This will be the biggest shock of all...the soon to arrive collapse of paper currencies and the insolvent sovereign debt backed by central banks. |
We are just beginning to experience the pain associated from believing central banks can obliterate the free market pricing of stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies for seven years with impunity. Most importantly, there is an inherent danger in basing investment decision on the capriciousness of a handful of individuals, as opposed to economic fundamentals and markets.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's sections
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday January 27, 2015 - The mainstream media is clueless and each day it becomes more dangerous to listen to it.
Updated sections:
When it comes to foreign residency, you must look for places that are safe, stable, and thriving. We present options where you don't have to spend much time on the ground, or even no time—but where you'd gladly move if you needed or wanted to. We also present places which offer positive fiscal advantages.
By the time the water breaches the dam, however, it is always too late to act. The huge oil price war will have massive consequences for the trillions of dollars in debt and derivatives related to oil and oil companies, and will cause massive shocks across the global financial industry as those trillions of dollars never get repaid.As a matter of fact, it’s already happening.
Just like the sub-prime crisis of 2008 didn’t happen overnight, but started to unravel in 2007, or the Asian financial crisis, which started with Thailand in 1997 and blew out a year later, these events will take time to play out as well.
Oil and gas prices will spike up like they spiked down as soon as the energy war is resolved in one or another way and or supply comes down. Remember we have inelastic demand....and the marginal production price is $ 75.
More trouble ahead in the Middle-East. The fact that one Saudi King after the other is passing away, will add a lot of disequilibrium to the oil and the Middle-East situation. In Saudi Arabia the king's title is herited from brother to brother and half brother until the generation is extint. Only then the power is passed on to the younger (inexperienced) generation.
Important fundamentals:
- Gold topped $1,300 this week to hit its highest levels since August. The catalyst was the European Central Bank launch Thursday of a massive quantitative-easing program designed to combat deflation in the eurozone, along with Greece’s pivotal elections Sunday. The ECB’s move, combined with the Swiss National Bank’s shocking decoupling of its franc from the euro last week, has sent investors back into gold. Already you can feel the sweep of the new rush into gold. The base is now complete for the resumption of the bull market in gold.
- As long as money is printed, it will seep into the stock markets and equities will conitue to go up...whether it happens in Japan, the USA or the EU makes no difference. Note that the FED is again in a process of printing more money (see chart below).
Important Technicals:
- xxxxx has broken up through its 200 day Moving Average and is overbought. The BACKTEST we have now is positive.
- xxxx xxxxx and xxxx shares are bottoming out and a buy.
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Monday January 26, 2015 - Rational people have a plan B -
Updated sections: €-Gold & €-USDollar , US-Dollar ,
Hitler account goes negative as Euro-Swiss crashes 2000pips - it is only a matter of time before we see this clip about the US-Dollar and Gold & Silver!.
The US Government is practically giving money away and the world took notice, borrowing Dollars at a record pace. Today, the global carry trade (meaning money borrowed in US Dollars and invested in other assets) stands at over $9 TRILLION (larger than the economy of France and Brazil combined). Some day these chickens (Dollars) will come home to roost and will set the place (USA) on fire!
Obama and the USA are copying and pasting all the social goodies out of Europe on the United States. I have never seen a country adopting Socialism as such a fast rate in my whole life.... I expect the US-Dollar and the USA also to die with a BANG (like we had in Switserland). The USA and the Dollar is being eaten from inside out and some day the carcass will burst open in a flash. American politicans are in fact super-idiots as they continue to shoot in their own foot: “We are willing to make Switzerland one of the centres of offshore RMB business,” said Chinese President Li. Switzerland’s central bank also said it had agreed with the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to establish clearing arrangements in Switzerland for renminbi (yuan) trading.
Pending regulators’ approval, the deal will see the set up of the first branch of a Chinese bank in the Swiss financial hub of Zurich for future yuan clearance. The deal is set to materialize Beijing and Bern’s pledge for closer financial ties and accelerate the establishment of a Zurich offshore yuan market.
Zurich joins a growing list of international hotspots like Sydney, Seoul, Paris, Luxembourg, London, Frankfurt, Singapore and Hong Kong which are already global centres for trading the yuan. |
70% of the Greek youth population has no job...70% ! Unbelievable that leaders like Van Rompuy, Barosso, Verhofstadt & co. are still alive and free....More problems in Greece will be negative for the exchange rate of the Euro and positive for certain designated European Stock makets. Having said this, the gain of the stock markets WILL NOT make up for the loss of the Euro. The scenario can be compared with the Japanese one: a weak Yen and weak Euro but strong equities. For this reason we continue to focus on our Investment Pyramid.
Important Fundamentals:
- Be advised that as the Euro slides, we'll see more fiscal Witch hunting and also CAPITAL CONTROLS. If you don't move your savings out of political reach, you'll soon be trapped like a rat in a cage.
- xxxxxxxx continues to be our preferred country to store Physical Bullion Gold. (on condition you are xxxxxxxx)
- The coup in Yemen, the death of the Saudi King and more war in Ukaine will add fire to the Global Energy (Oil ) War.
Important Technicals:
- The xxxx has fallen in STOP LOSS versus the xxxxxx (and the xxxx) doubt. Hopefully we'll see a BACKTEST. If we do, use the correction to offload more xxxxxx
- xxxxxxx confirms key support level = bullish.
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Friday January 23, 2015 - Super Mario launches money gold and silver!?
ECB planned QE (money printing) of bn € 60 a month will only be able to boost price levels by 0.2% to 0.8%. Worse is that as there is nowhere enough bond supply in Europe, the ECB will have to proceed with debt monetization...and debt monetization always leads to hyper-inflation. It looks like the EU and not the USA will be first to experience hyper-inflation.
It seems that the Swiss National banks knew all to well what it was doing when they unpegged the Swiss. Having said this Mario and the ECB also knew this was coming. Proof is that they prepared the QE with a maximum of deflation propaganda.
As a result, the exchange rate of the Euro is critical and assuming the main support level is broken (see Point and Figures chart) we will see the Euro fall under par versus the US-Dollar before the end of 2015. This is a 25% devaluation of the Euro.
Real Estate and bonds will NOT protect investors for this devaluation. On the contrary. Therefore it is utmost important to act NOW !
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Thursday January 22, 2015 - The great gold repatriation has begun...
Updated sections: Silver ,
The state of the Union whas nothing more than a big masquerade, full of lies and is not worth any comment.
Sometimes one has to kick the balls to tell the brain. Americans and Obama are shooting themselves in the foot. Russia has made a bi-lateral arrangement with Egypt so Russian tourists can - from now on - use Rubles on their holiday to the Red Sea.o more need to buy US-dollars. The Dollar will pay a high price for this stupidity....
The great gold repatriation has begun...has you send yours away!?
Deflation propaganda makes up for the hyper-inflation policy. The ECB declined to comment on any of the reports. FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The European Central Bank's Executive Board has proposed a programme that would enable the ECB to buy 50 billion euros ($58 billion) in bonds per month starting in March, a euro zone source said on Wednesday. With the likely start date imminent and only one other opportunity at the beginning of March for governors to agree details, pressure will be high on them to finalise talks and announce the mechanics on Thursday.
These details will describe how far the ECB goes in meeting demands from Germany's Bundesbank for the risk of the scheme to rest with national central banks in countries from Greece to Italy, rather than with the ECB. ECB President Mario Draghi will speak to the media at 1330 GMT on Thursday. The duration of the programme is highly significant but also contested because Germany is troubled by the concept of bond-buying, particularly any government bond purchases, and wants to limit its scale. Reuters could not confirm reports from other media about the length of the proposed programme. The Wall Street Journal said it would last at least one year. News agency Bloomberg said the purchases would run to the end of 2016.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's sections
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Wednesday January 21, 2015 - Central Banks are Gold best friends -
Updated sections : $-Gold ,
Central Banks are the best friends of the Gold & Silver sector and investors and a 100% guarantee that we shall have inflation and hyperinflation and not deflation like many analysts incorrecly predict.
Whatever is said, Central Bankers MUST cause inflation to have any hope to increase nominal growth and reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio. Once interest rates are near zero or negative, they have no alternate but to print money (QE) in an exponential way until this action finally generates hyperinflation.
- The BoE engaged in 7 rounds of QE since 2009
- The BoJ decided in 2014 to more than double the money supply
- The Bank of Switzerland unpegged because it is aware the ECB will engage in anew round of (covert) QE
- I expect the FED to resume QE as soon as it becomes visible that we have no recovery at all in the USA.
Investors have little choice if they decide to protect themselves against this Legal Robbery. We know how.
- Move your assets out of political reach in a legal way before we have Capital controls.
- Get rid of all fiat money, bank notes, bank deposits, ETF's , financial instruments manufactured by banks, derivatives (options, warrants,...)
- Start to prepare your exit NOW. One day you will have to exchange your safe investments for other money instruments and the Tax man may be watching.
- Subscriber's should feel free to email us further questions.
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday January 20, 2015 - The only way to short central banks is to be long on gold!
Updated sections:
Gold has broken out and will go up substantially in 2015. Real Estate is expensive, stocks are expensive, interest rates are zero and even negative, Oil and commodities (copper) have been hammered....and yet Gold & Silver broke out their bottom formations.
Russia continues to sell Dollars (US-treasuries) and buy Gold. Germany tries to repatriate more national Gold. It is only a matter of time before Gold follows in the footsteps of Switzerland.
SWISS SIDE EFFECTS: The stock market said it all. Shares on the Zurich exchange have fallen another 6 percent Friday following the previous day’s 9 percent slump. That’s a clear indication investors have taken fright at the worsening outlook for Switzerland’s exporters and economy. Technically speaking the BREAKOUT of the Swiss Stock market Index is failing, hereby indicating that the breakout out of the bullish triangle has been delayed.
Switzerland knows and understands that the ECB and the EU are planning more QE (money printing) and that (hyper)inflation will soon be experienced in Europe. Hence, in order to delay Swiss (hyper)inflation they had no option but to unpeg the Swiss.
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Monday January 18, 2015 - Financial markets have no relation to reality.
Updated Sections: Silver , Gold & Silver Majors , Juniors ,
Authorities and Central bankers are playing with matches in a Keynesian powder room and have managed to light the fuse....It now becomes apparent that the last act is being played before the curtain is drawn on the Apocalypse.
One day, most central banks will no longer exist, at least not in their present form. |
At least 9,000 jobs lost because of Crude Oil price coup. Crude Oil price engineered crash: Standard Chartered hit by Billions in losses from Commodity Crash is only the 1st of many financial institutions which will suffer or go under. Standard Chartered will likely need $4.4 billion to cover losses from commodity loans. The estimation is that the total loss in jobs will be much larger then 9k.
Crude Oil price engineered crash: American fracking industry to loose billions and drawn in cheap oil prices. Once a fracking process has been started up, it cannot technically be stopped. |
Ironically, without the support of the Swiss National Bank, full-blown European QE may now be less obvious to orchestrate, and a Euro rally against the dollar may not be too far off. Something however will have to be done about Greece and the Greek banks. I expect the Euro to rally as soon as the financial markets understand a solution MUST be found.
Bankers have the bad habit to step into a market as elephants. Swiss Forex dealers bleed. This time however the Swiss national bank stepped into the FOREX market as a Huge Prehistoric Mammouth. The unpegging of the Swiss versus the Euro has not only surprised the IMF and Lagarde but also several FOREX dealers. One dealer has already been bailed out.
The Swiss is nothing but yet another fiat currency |
The advice to exchange Euro's in xxxxxxx and/or xxxxxx worked well as the Swiss unpegging boosted Gold and Silver upward. European investors were and are not always able to invest in these instruments because these are - although approved by the Canadian and US-Securities and exchange commission - not approved by the local European and EU-financial commissions.
The best advice I can give to Europeans, is to open an account with some decent North-American broker/investment bank (we can help), and move your capital overseas. As far as I experienced, North-American financial institutions are not so childish and short-sighted. By doing this you will at the same time also move your savings out of political reach.
note: North-American brokers/investment banks operating out of Europe and often also out of the UK MUST be law follow the European legislation.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's sections
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Friday January 16, 2015 - Swiss National Bank abandons the 1.20 PEG of the CHF to the Euro.
Updated sections: Swiss-Gold & Swiss/$/€ , $-Gold , Crude Oil ,
Expect this to go from bad to worse...there is more to come all over Europe! Belgian security forces killed two terror suspects with links to Syria in a fierce shootout in the eastern city of Verviers on Thursday and arrested another, foiling a major and imminent attack against police buildings, authorities said.
The raid came amid an international hunt for possible accomplices to attackers who killed 17 people in France last week before being shot dead by police. Those attacks, by men claiming allegiance to the Islamic State group in Syria and Al-Qaida in Yemen, have raised fears around Europe of more attacks.
Swiss National Bank abandons the 1.20 PEG of the CHF to the Euro...and brings down the key interest rate to -0.75% . As a result the Swiss soars 15%. Such happens when you push a ball under water and let go. The action came as a complete surprise. Apparently even the IMF was taken by surprise. However, be prepared for renewed bearish Swiss Central Bank action if the Swiss starts to spike upwards. Having said this, it will cost you 0.75% to hold Swiss Francs.
Those who are not invested properly BEFORE the action and ride the waves always come late! |
Gold rips higher to $ 1,260 in lightning surge (not bad for a barbaric relic)....and confirms its breakout when expressed in US-dollars. The Swiss National bank knows the ECB is going to do QE in a big, massive way and don't want to be part of the game. It was this message which was send to the Gold market which made the price geyser.
note: all of our subscribers who followed our advice and bought the financial instruments we advised instead of converting Euro's into US-Dollars have today been rewarded for their decision.
Important Fundamentals:
- xxxx produces a record of 4.2M Silver in Q4 and an annual record of 15.3M silver in 2014.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Thursday January 15, 2015 - under construction - as we predicted, there is a rotation out of stock markets into the gold & silver sector
Updated sections:
We no longer live in a world where a country is going to be competitive if its bureaucracy sends people and entrepreneurs from door to door and window to window and meeting to meeting. The end is near when you see politicians rule about the kind of light bulbs you may use, the maximum power a vacuum cleaner may have and they issue rules about how a Washing Machine should be built. The more rules and the more legislation, the faster an economy slides into a depression and the longer it takes to make society prospes and boom.
We have communicating financial vessels. At this time capital is flowing out of OVERBOUGHT World Stock Markets (equities) and into the OVERSOLD Gold & Silver sector. I expect the correction on the World Stock markets to continue until QE4 is announced. In the mean time, I expect to see more DEFLATION PROPAGANDA.
Expect QE4 to be exponentially larger than the previous QE's. The more money is printed, the less its effect on the system and the more must be printed to achieve the same goal. And remember that Money is DEBT! In the end, we'll have a situation like there is now in Venezuela: a hyperinflationary depression and empty shelves.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2014, Alle Rechten Voorbehouden - De inhoud van dit rapport mag niet worden gecopieerd, gereproduceerd, noch verdeeld zonder de geschreven toelating van Goldonomic.
Wednesday January 14, 2015 - After World War II , Venezuela was one of the most prosperous countries in the world!
Updated sections: Silver ,
Venezuela or the wet dream of socialism where democracy keeps voting the wrong people into power and entrepreneurs and educated people keep emigrating (mainly to Panama).
Shoppers thronged grocery stores across Caracas today as deepening shortages led the government to put Venezuela’s food distribution under military protection. Long lines, some stretching for blocks, formed outside grocery stores in the South American country’s capital as residents search for scarce basic items such as detergent and chicken.
“I’ve visited six stores already today looking for detergent -- I can’t find it anywhere,” said Lisbeth Elsa, a 27-year-old janitor, waiting in line outside a supermarket in eastern Caracas. “We’re wearing our dirty clothes again because we can’t find it. At this point I’ll buy whatever I can find.”
A dearth of foreign currency exacerbated by collapsing oil prices has led to shortages of imports from toilet paper to car batteries, and helped push annual inflation to 64 percent in November. The lines will persist as long as price controls remain in place, Luis Vicente Leon, director of Caracas-based polling firm Datanalisis, said today in a telephone interview. Government officials met with representatives from supermarket chains today to guarantee supplies, state news agency AVN reported. Interior Minister Carmen Melendez said yesterday that security forces would be sent to food stores and distribution centers to protect shoppers.
Important Fundamentals:
- The Euro and the EU is a political project rather than an economic one and politics will do whatever is necessary to preserve it. Capital flows to the Euro from the FED in the form of central bank swaps with the ECB, and from China in the form of reserve allocations, place a solid floor under the Euro.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Tuesday January 13, 2015 - Gold is simply going up because it broke out and not because fear trade has it on the move!
Updated sections: Euro-Gold , Gold & Silver Majors
A fifth column is living in Europe...Even prominent Israeli politicians were in a protest march for something which could be avoided in the first place.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday January 12, 2015 - the official GDP figures are a giant CON ! -
Updated sections:
However, for those of you not familiar with the giant con, it is the idea that our economy is growing when, in fact, it hasn’t had growth in decades with the exception of the late 1990′s. In a recent article I wrote for the benefit of Steve Liesman, I showed that the giant con is entirely a function of debt. Debt is actually a net negative given real interest rates and when you strip out debt from GDP it becomes visible to show that GDP has actually been contracting for some time.
Gold has broken out when expressed in several important currencies but there is more good news - see chart below !
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Friday January 9, 2015 - A GREXIT is simply impossible -
Updated sections: $-Gold , Silver , US-Dollar , €-Gold & €/$ ,
What the Mainstream Media call a GREXIT is simply impossible. Greece needs Europe and Europe needs Greece. Greek debt held by the ECB can't even be restructured and it is illegal to restructure ECB Greek Bond Holdings. If and when Greece decides to stop paying interest on its debt would have far reaching consequences and result in a DRAMA for the Financial World. Several Banks would go bankrupt and Interest rate DERIVATIVES would simply start a world wide financial catastrophe! Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale, HSBC,...and other elephant size banks would simply go bankrupt in a flash.
There is no doubt in my mind that somehow the European politicians will once more find a way to talk their way out of the Greek problem and kick the can down the road. Even if such means they will have to print an additional Billions of Euro's. There is NO WAY the ECB and the IMF can allow a systematic bankrupcy of the banks and DEFLATION!
Those who are selling Euro's today because they think (or feel) it will break down it's triple bottom are probably making a big mistake. As usual it will take weeks before markets confirm my statement. In my opinion we need more than a Greek situation to make the Euro break down it's triple bottom formation.
A decisive break through the 1.20 level followed by a positive BACKTEST (test of the breakdown level) is required before we have a trend change for the Euro/Dollar. |
If Greece was to stop payments on its debt such would have catastrophic consequences for the Banks. Interest rates would with the help of DERIVATIVES bankrupt major Banks and whipe out the Financial System. Therefore the ECB, IMF and other supra-nationals will just print some Billions or Trillions of Euro's and use to funds to window dress the situation. Having said this, if Greece was to leave the EU, the country would be catapulted back to the Middle-Ages overnight. Not even an extreme left politician would dare to walk this path.
Any solution for Greece will take the pressure off the Euro and the currency will as a consequence correct it's oversold position versus the US-Dollar. |
What is happening to the price of Crude Oil is a lot more dangerous for the International financial system and the political stability....and QE4 sits right around the corner. Watch what happens once the financial markets understand the FED and ECB will print more money.
Important Fundamentals:
- DEFLATION is positive for the economy. It's like a HUGE Tax cut and togther with cheaper oil it should make us all very, very happy.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Thursday January 8, 2015 - This is WAR: The Trojan horse was pulled inside the city walls by Vote-eager politicians and an ignorant majority. europe has a HELL of a problem!
Updated sections:
Shooting reported at Paris newspaper office. At least 10 people were killed on Wednesday in a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper firebombed in the past after publishing cartoons in 2011 joking about Muslim leaders. Officially, France is home to 6.6 millions Muslim (10% of the population).Mostly sunni.The birthrate of Muslims being three to four times higher than that of non-Muslims, the proportion of children, teenagers, and young adults in urban France is not 5-11 percent but a very impressive 33 percent or so.
"Look to your own doorstep in France. Your own French women are abandoning their Christianity and donning the hijab and the burqa…Our eyes are on Paris…We will not stop, as Muslims, until the whole world is governed by Islam." |
This is the real threat. The Trojan horse was pulled inside the city walls by Vote-Eager politicians and an ignorant majority. These intelligent psychopaths did not realize that by doing this, they sealed the future of the EU and Europe. In 2020 the Muslim population will be the majority in many parts of Europe. Financial and economic crises come and go, demographics however stay and will get worse over the next decennial (at least for non-Muslims).
Real Estate is cemented to the planet earth and cannot be moved away of crisis areas. As we slide deeper into the depression, the Real Estate market dries up and it becomes impossible to sell any. As a rule, a bear trend lasts for at least 26 years. For the USA it will last until 2033. For most European countries until 2040. The positive halfway correction in the USA is coming to an end and the sector is about to start it's next down leg.
If you think or dream of buying Real Estate, you may only do so in countries with correct demographics (population pyramid with large base) which are tax friendly: Foreign real estate — also known as a “dirt bank” — is one of the safest and most reliable forms of wealth preservation out there. Lots of things can happen to stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities, but land and housing are always in demand. You don’t have to report foreign property owned in your own name (and you can hold it in the name of a corporation/foundation). That makes it last in line for the wealth confiscators. Foreign real estate is the ultimate escape plan — a place to go if the time comes. My Panama property checks all three boxes, and I'm happy as a clam...more in the subscriber's section
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Wednesday January 7, 2015 - With negative rates, borrowers win and lenders loose.
Updated sections: $-Gold , €-Gold ,
With negative rates, borrowers win and lenders loose. Unfortunately, real rates are negative right now, which means that in general you, as an investor, can expect very low to negative investment returns over the next few years the prices for assets bear little relation to risk and return. Investors have rarely faced a more difficult time to protect their savings.
If Japan had to borrow at France's interest rates, the interest burden alone would bankrupt the country in no time. The marginal interest rate for Japan is now 1%. This means that if Japanese interest rates were to rise more, the income of Japan (taxes) would not suffice to pay the INTEREST. For most other countries (USA, Europe) the marginal interest rate fluctuates around 4% and is coming down.
High Interest Rates and Very high oil prices and high food prices lead to a vicious circle and are contrary to the Deflation propaganda which is being sold by the authorities and swallowed by many. Therefore it does make sense for the Situation room to push these as low as possible...and keep these low for as long as possible. |
Important Fundamentals:
- Subscribers reported problems in getting Physical Delivery of Gold bullion puchased from Dutch Gold & Silver brokers.
Important Technicals: see subscriber's sections
Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved - The contents of this report may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.
Tuesday January 6, 2015 - 2014’s Most Despised Investment, a barbaric relic Was Up 70% !
Updated sections: Portfolio, Gold & Silver Juniors, Majors, Oil shares, Recession Proof shares, Uranium, Natural Gas (tables) , €-Gold & €/$ ,
2014's most despised investment, a barbaric relic was up 70%. Unexpected, even for the Russian investors who invested in Gold beginning of last year. Gold rose more than the Ruble fell. It also outpaced the rise in inflation. We all possess one asset that is critical to investing success: TIME. It is impossible to forecast WHEN it will happen, but if over the next weeks, the EU-zone could break apart (and even if it doesn't) the Euro could well slide all the way to the next bearish target or 0.90$ . This would make €-gold spike by 25 percent, even if the Dollar price continues to move sideward.
The yearly picture is really important for it is nothing more than a static picture and a comparison with Worthless Fiat Money. As a matter of fact the price of gold rose against ALL currencies in 2014 except the US dollar. Yes, gold was up in the euro, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, Canadian dollar, British pound, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Chinese renminbi, Indian rupee, Swedish krona, Brazilian real, Israeli shekel, and South Korean won. Gold did even better than most stock market indexes.
The US-Dollar continues to shine although the US-debt continues to soar. Some day this upside-down world will correct. The natural financial and economic forces will come back as a revenge. Only, it is extremely hard, if possible at all, WHEN it will happen. According to Debt, the total US-obligations are a stunning $126 trillion dollars... not the $17 trillion the feds would like you to believe.
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Compared to the 1920's the level of debt has reached vertiginous levels. The day this bubble pops (and it will), it's effect will be worse than a Worldwide Tsunami. Especially because the existance of the DERIVATIVES and Fractional Reserve Banking.
New Banking Rules Will Devastate Depositors As Your Money Becomes Theirs In The Next Crisis |
During the November G20 meeting, the member nations decided that your bank deposits will become property of the bank if a crisis takes it down. This means that the bank will be able to pay off their creditors first (if there's any left to pay) and the money will no longer be yours. The new rules essentially change the status of you as a depositor (of your money) to that of an investor in the bank. During bank failure, derivative holders will have first priority for any funds which may be available for pay out. Since bank depositors money is now considered to be 'unsecured debt', the deposits will essentially be converted to bank equity – which means that the depositors will become last to be paid out. And there will be no money left to be paid out.
The Oil crises hides what will become the next financial crisis (Oil derivatives & Junk Bonds). Not a question of IF but one of WHEN it is to happen. When it happens, Central Banks will start QE4. And QE4 is likely going to be accompanied by bank bail-ins. The financial elites are engineering the excuse for their next round of money printing . . . and they will be confiscating money out of savings accounts and pension accounts. A remake of what happened in Cyprus & Argentina...more see subscriber's section
Important Fundamentals: see subscriber's section
Important Technicals: see subscriber's section
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Monday January 5, 2015 - Today can be compared to the Matrix Reloaded. Everything you see is a phantasy, unreal..and yet it is lethal !
Updated sections: $-Gold , Silver , US-Dollar, €-Gold & €/$ ,
Aussie - Gold & A$/$/€ , Swiss - Gold & FS/$/€ , Can$-Gold
& Can$/$/€ , £ - Gold & £/$/€ , ¥ - Gold & ¥/$/€ , ZAR-Gold
& ZAR/$/€ , Krone-Gold & Krone/$/ € , Yuan-Gold , Rupee-Gold ,
Crude Oil ,
Today can be compared to the Matrix Reloaded. Everything you see is a phantasy, unreal. This is a world upside down where logic is killed by manipulation and buried under derivatives...
THE ECONOMY IS NOT RECOVERING - GET PREPARED. It's depressing to constantly read how bad things are economically, but commerce runs the engine of our economy and our lives for it generates the income we all need to survive. It's also confusing because one doesn't know who or what to believe. However, is it not better to know the truth than to rely on an illusion? Truth from people who actually care what happens to we the people. The Goldonomic Team wishes you a healthy and prosperous 2015.... |
If I am correct that the Federal Reserve has become a massive trading desk, Gold & Silver and the Gold & Silver sector will remain in the doldrums until an accident happens and we have a Bank Holiday. In the mean time, the Central Banks and Banks will continue to play the markets (Forex, commodity, Wall Street,...) , cash the profits and print fiat money to cover for the losses. Once the Drama happens, the Herd will see that the emperor has no clothes. All Fiat Money and DERIVATIVES will become worthless in a flash.Real Estate will crash and because all Fiat Money will be gone, it will become impossible to sell any and to cash rent.
What we see is nothing but a big lie. Those who believe and play the lie, will in the short run make some fiat money. Some day in the near future however they will wake up and find out they are BANKRUPT! |
Having a second citizenship is like having a ‘get out of jail free’ card. No matter what happens, you’ll always have a place to go. And as I’m fond of saying, nobody ever hijacks an airplane and threatens to kill all the Panamanians. Second citizenship does bring a greater sense of security. If you live, work, hold investments, own property, structure your business, store gold, etc. in the same country as your citizenship, then you truly have all of your eggs in one very fragile basket. If just one little thing goes wrong, whether it’s a court case, divorce settlement, political instability, government agency ‘administrative error’, or some noxious IRS bureaucrat who’s out to get you, all of those aspects of your life can be put at extreme risk.
Having a second citizenship is like having a 'get out of jail free' card. |
Russians doesn't need foreign investors to develop. They could, if they desire so, print more Rubles. They even could print US-Dollars. This ongoing financial war is far deeper rooted that the average financial analyst understands. Important however is to understand that Russia - and as a matter of fact NO country - has advantage to see the world financial system collapse. At least not as long as they are properly prepared. That is, have developed and activated their own Swift System, their own NATO system, their own Credit Card system,....
According to the Mainstream Media, Russia is bankrupt or will be so soon……Russia however delivers 50% of the world's demand for Crude Oil and has more oil reserves than all other oil producing countries combined….if you look at the fundamentals, the US-Dollar should have crashed instead of the Ruble.
- Russia is world's #1 supplier of Natural gas en liquified natural gas….
- Russia is world's #1 supplier of Uranium and enriched uranium….
- Russia has Forex Reserves amounting to bn US$ 400 ….
- If Russia would demand physical gold delivery of all it's purchased Gold, most of the Western Banks and Gold Brokers would be unable to do so ….
- If Russia and Russians would stop paying back their Western Debt, many European banks would go bankrupt tomorrow….
- Russia is part of the SCO, de Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is the military and economic counterpart of the NATO and EU. Other participants are China, ex-Russian states, Turkey, India, Pakistan and Indonesia.
- The SCO cover almost 50% of the world population..
Geopolitics and geo-economics are changing and this change is unnoticed by the Mainstream Media. The Colder War is an excellent book...and tells it all about the protection racket of Oil and the Petro-dollar. The Mob would not have done it better.
The Chinese also said that if Russia continues to have troubles they will take it before the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). The SCO has been around for over a decade in its current form. SCO consists of 6 countries — the two biggest being Russia and China. This is about to become a strong, global organization that already engages in mutual military exercises. The organization also engages in major infrastructure funding throughout Eurasia. This really is China trying to get hold of Eurasia, part of Eastern Europe, and eventually the world. What makes SCO even more interesting is that this organization has already formed an affiliation with the BRICs and South Africa.
A World War have the bad habit to reload where the previous one was ended...(Israel) |
*** There is not the slightest doubt that we have an ongoing Financial War. Financial Wars however always result in bloodshed and this time won't be different. It is almost sure that the Middle-East will be at the center of World War III. What we don't know, is how and when it will spread to the West. What would happen if Turkey (a NATO member) was to invade Jerusalem !? Putin would probably feel the urge to protect the Russian Immigrants (many Israel-immigrants are Russians and/or Russian descendants) and the USA may be forced to protect the Saudi's...EU-citizens (the EU is a NATO member and NATO has its headquarters in Belgium) may well become trapped like rats in a war they never asked for. Got a second passport? Got a second permanent Residency? Is you Gold stored outside of the EU?
The fiery speech hailed Turkey headed by Erdogan and Davutoğlu as the representative and head of the entire Muslim world and praised him for the soon invasion of Jerusalem in the coming world war. In the speech, which was not aired in major media ( was able to obtain the footage thanks to Willi Adelberger) and after the crowd calmed down their Nazi style chants, Mashal reminded that "Jerusalem is the first center of direction for Muslims. Can you understand what is to happen to the Euro, the US-Dollar, Gold, Oil, Uranium, the Stock markets when such happens?
more in the subscriber's sections...
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