
June 2024

The next most important step is to move your savings "out of political reach"!

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Physical: Add up to $200 per oz. For physical, add up to $16 per oz. Are you still Paper Gold?
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Monday to Friday, July 1-5, 2024: Thursday, July 4th, Independence Day (public holiday)!

Updated Sections: Royalty Co's, Gold & Silver Majors, Gold & Silver Juniors,
Crude Oil price

The first CNN Presidential Debate shows to the whole world that the US and A is PARTLY controlled by 'A Retard' (I am trying to stay polite).   Where are all the Hollywood "Movie Stars" who praised this "fossil" in the White House? This proves we live in the "End of Western Civilization."

Joe Biden looked horrible. How is this man still in office? He is made for the 25th Amendment. Congress had better remove him before he starts tossing the nuclear football. Yes, they claimed he had a cold, but he can’t use that to hide behind his abysmal performance.

He came across as an old man suffering from dementia. Normally, that should draw sympathy, but Biden is president, which draws alarm. Joe spoke hesitantly and inarticulately. He relied on telling lies that have been disproven over and over again. Sometimes, he lost his train of thought entirely, resulting in an embarrassing word wreck. He could often be seen with a blank stare as if nobody was home. He didn’t blink for long periods of time.

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Biden and the politicians are THE MIRROR,
the soul of the majority of American PEOPLE!

The same situation is also a reality in the EU (not a dime better).

(links point to videos on Twitter)

This says it all about those who voted this Clown into the White House...

COVID-19 had something positive.  It was one of the biggest "shocks" in my lifetime. The number of Sheeple, Retards who wore a mask (some still wear the mark of the IDIOT)  became visible to all.  Out of experience, I knew that most people roaming "planet Earth" are not very intelligent. However. I was baffled by the fact that there are so many. At the same time, I was baffled by the amount of Medics, Specialists, Nurses, and Politicians who are ready to cheat on others (and even kill) for more power and more money. Last, and as bad,  came those who had not the balls to stop this medical-political genocide and, although they knew, remained silent.

These are the very same people who keep using worthless monopoly money and keep holding all their savings inside the digital banking system.  They trust digital BONDS, SHARES, PENSION FUNDS, and even CRYPTOS. Many are desperately holding on to real estate (if they bomb the house, they still have the land - don't they?) and refuse to understand why one can buy real estate for less than peanuts in many parts of the world.

Others hold Real Money but refuse to move it out of political reach. In many cases, "the wife" refuses the move. She wants it either in an uninsured, unsafe deposit box with a bank around the corner, where access becomes impossible in case the bank runs into problems (or you run into problems with your wife), or with some gold broker who delivers a contract stating that the goods are present and will be delivered on request. They don't even know whether the goods are physically present in that vault,

Those who continue to believe in their Government and in Worthless Fiat Money are prone to believe every lie that the Authorities sell.

HORSE AND RIVER aboiling frog
This is what many people are like. This is what the majority of people are like.

More WW III? 

Iran's U.N. mission said on Friday that if Israel embarks on a "full-scale military aggression" in Lebanon, "an obliterating war will ensue." The Iranian mission also said in the post on X, formerly known as Twitter, that in such an event, "all options, incl. the full involvement of all resistance fronts, are on the table."


More price Inflation is on the way as shipping costs skyrocket. The Shanghai to Rotterdam route saw the container box price rise another $455 w/o/w to $7,322,  higher for a 10th straight week. It is up 144% over this time frame and compares with $1,667 entering the year. It was about $2,000 in early 2020. Air cargo rates have jumped, too, in response.

If you do nothing, nothing GOOD will happen!

Goldonomic knows how to protect you, your loved ones, and your savings. ACT NOW – before it is too late. Better 6 months early than 1 second late. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 What can you do for your financial survival?

  •  ACT NOW! In the worst-case scenario, you are (hopefully) taking unnecessary precautions that will earn you money anyway.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • You lose everything in Europe and the EU when you can no longer afford to pay your mortgage!
  • Pending Home Sales Collapse To Lowest Level On Record.  Pending home sales in May fell 2.1% m/o/m after a sharp 7.7% fall in April. That was below the estimate of up to .5%. This index has fallen below the April 2020 Covid shutdown collapse and is now at the lowest since this survey began in 2001. We know exactly why.

Important Fundamentals:

  •  Just like any Ponzi scheme, this one is about to fail 'big time.'
us fed interest rate payments 2024 06 27
This exponential signals the beginning of the end!

Important Technicals:

  • xxxxxx are oversold, and the BACKTEST is maturing. Expect higher soon. Today is the time to BUY.
  • xxxxxxxxx Continue to Rally...but are overbought now. Expect a correction and more BOTTOM building.

For premium members only.

  © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday to Friday, June 27-28, 2024: Any "digital market" can be halted with a click on "enter"!

Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes, Indexes In Gold, Long Term Charts,

This weekend, the Krim, the Beaches, and Russian Tourists families were attacked with CLUSTER BOMBS assisted by American Drones.

The West, NATO, and the USA are following exactly the same screenplay they used against A. Hitler before the advent of World War II.  At a certain point, Putin will have no choice but to retaliate against the NATO countries (Brussels - Belgium) and the USA.  At that point, they will blame Russia for the war, which could probably end up in the History Books like the story about World War II.

The coming financial collapse will be worse than anything we have ever experienced.  This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression,  you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today, you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”

There is no way the system will survive as it is now.  It’s mathematically impossible.  So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? They have to kick the table over to avoid finger-pointing. War has always been an excellent excuse.

What could go wrong? By the end of the year, the US Government will have to roll over $10 trillion in debt. Meanwhile, it piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days.

The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan.  Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat.  Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. 

Unpayable debt is not just a US problem.  This is all over the world.  Central banks must issue huge debt because we are in exponential decay.  We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago.  It’s inflate or die; the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.”

Most people do not even think of gold and silver. They are so fascinated by Fiat money, worthless cryptos, and digital units on their computer screens that they laugh at those gold bugs.  Many are so encrusted in the Real estate idea that they don't realize the terrible danger of bricks and stones. They are convinced that running along the Real Estate Herd is the best investment ever. And they are so proud to be able to tell their friends that they have a second residency in Tuscany, Marbella, the Hamptons,...

The Tulip Mania, the Mississippi scheme, and the South Sea Bubble have just been replaced with something similar.  And don't reckon on your banker, broker, etc..to tell you to buy Gold and/or Silver /(except maybe digital), for once people buy PHYSICAL, they know people keep it for a long time....and the funds are lost for the Banks. Also, most people, even professors at universities, so-called economists, and financial analysts, have no clue about monetary history whatsoever. Nothing has changed. People keep repeating the never-ending story: Weimar, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey,...and now it is the time of The West.

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People are so greedy they can't think of gold. They prefer short-term profits and refuse to see the bubble can pop anytime now. Western Europe and the USA are next.


Nominal confusion: this is what 99% of the investors and analysts don't understand.  They never have and never will. Analysts who understand this are exceptions.

INDU WE ARE HERE 2024 06 26

Note: click here for Index In Real Money

Goldonomic knows how to protect you, your loved ones, and your savings. ACT NOW – before it is too late. Better 6 months early than 1 second late. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 What can you do for your financial survival?

  • During the COVID-19 restrictions, anybody with a European Passport and permanent residency in Panama could travel in and out of Europe at all times.
  • Ensure you have a 2nd permanent residency and a passport of a NON-EUROPEAN/NON-AMERICAN/CANADIAN COUNTRY.
  • Remember that your government can and will always BLOCK all your digital assets with a click on ENTER, even if you have left your home country. Justin Trudeau did it with the Canadian Truckers and the Spanish Government with the Spanish soccer coach who fled to The Dominican Republic.
  • You MUST have some assets, REAL MONEY "out of political reach". If you have none, you won't even be able to leave your home country when the time has come. Without money, you're nothing more than a slave to your government. 

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • If your house is destroyed by an act of War, the insurance company WILL NOT COVER the loss, but you will have to continue to pay your mortgage.
  • Belgium: one in two home builders expects a decline in the number of new homes built. Demand for new construction apartments, in particular, is falling sharply, according to a press release from Bouwunie. The industry association is calling for a tax break. 
  • Many plan to sell but will be late because they are too greedy and try to get the last cent out of the trade.

Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

 © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Monday to Wednesday, June 24-26, 2024: The world will be "nuclear" or will stop existing!

Updated Sections: Krona & Gold, Aussie & Gold, Yen & Gold, SA Rand & Gold,

The world will be nuclear or will stop to exist.  Electricity Prices Plunge By 75% As Finland Opens New Nuclear Power Plant.  The commencement of regular output from a much-delayed Finnish nuclear reactor in April saw electricity prices in the country decrease by more than 75 percent.

The Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) nuclear plant transitioned from testing to regular output last month, becoming Finland’s first new nuclear plant in more than four decades. It is expected to produce up to 15 percent of the country’s power demand.

Those who try to enforce that "so-called" GREEN ENERGY are nothing more than a bunch of retarded IDIOTS pushing the world into an even deeper depression.  Most of the time, these are people and politicians with an AGENDA trying to accumulate more fiat money.


During hyperinflationary depressions, the price of LOCG (low-order consumer goods), like Food stocks, tends to soar, while the price of HOCG (high-order capital goods) tends to drop.

Over the next few years, the cost of living and food will continue to rise while other products like television sets will continue to fall. At the same time, we shall see a lot of "nominal confusion," or the price of certain goods expressed in fiat money will continue to increase, whereas those expressed in Real Money will crash.

Spain scraped the sales tax on olive oil after the price tripled in three years.  In Argentina, the price of gasoline soared after Milei abolished government subsidies, and milk prices soared by 60%.

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Exactly a deja vu, the script of the pre-WW II years.  In the meantime, the politicians continued to prepare their country for WW III. As usual, THE HERD will be taken by surprise because, as always, they think it will take at least another 10 years, and they trust their politicians.

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 What can you do for your financial survival? - See the updated list below.

***DONT’S are obvious:

  1. Don’t keep most of your wealth in the fragile banking system (brokers), whether in cash or securities. With many banks likely to default, it might take too long before your assets are released, if ever! Bail-ins or forced investments are likely in government securities at low interest rates and for extended periods like 10 years or more.
  2. Don’t hold sovereign bonds, as many governments will default.
  3. Don’t bet on inflation reducing your debt. High interest rates or loan indexation might make it impossible to repay borrowings.
  4. Don’t forget that stocks have been inflated by massive credit expansion, which will soon end.
  5. Don't keep your gold and silver; it is a safe deposit box with a bank. Some years ago, in Greece, all those who did were forced to report the content to the government. Also, banks DO NOT INSURE the content of your box.
  6. Don't keep your gold and silver in Switzerland,, where they 'say' it is kept in your personal name. ' Out of experience, we know it is NOT. Also, Switzerland charges heavy taxes when you physically deliver your metals, AND Switzerland is no longer neutral (CRS) and reports to your national tax authorities.

***DOs are more useful:

  1. Hold a lot of physical gold and some physical silver in safe jurisdictions like Panama and possibly Singapore (NOT Switzerland) outside the banking systems.
  2. Precious metals must be held in safe non-bank vaults in your name with direct access to the metals.
  3. The idea is to store your metals in a vault that is Lloyd's insured. In case of theft, the insurer will replace the goods. Note that most insurers replace the stolen gold/silver with cash.
  4. To minimize confiscation or freezing of your metals, keeping them outside your country of residence is best.
  5. Hold a meaningful amount of physical gold and silver.
  6. Keep your physical gold and silver in a vault with a CONSIERGE service.

Goldonomic knows how to protect you, your loved ones, and your savings. ACT NOW – before it is too late. Better 6 months early than 1 second late. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • We have come to a point where even Professional Real Estate people start to sell the real estate they hold.
  • The danger of holding real estate with a mortgage is that hyperinflation will raise the cost of living so high that one can no longer make the monthly payments. At the same time, out of social concerns, the Government will FREEZE rents and may even force you to host families for free (the USSR 1917).

Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

 © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday to Friday, June 20-21, 2024:  "The Switzerland 'Peace Conference', is an alignment for war. !

Updated Sections: Euro and €-Gold, Candollar & Gold, British Pound & Gold,

Biden’s Gaza ceasefire push is a road to fatal escalation.  Despite public calls to end the war in the Middle East, in reality, all Washington is doing is encouraging a greater conflagration.

The fact that the convention is held in Switzerland proofs that Switzerland is no longer NEUTRAL!
So safer is, NOT to store any METALS in that country...

Colombia President: "The so-called Switzerland 'Ukraine Peace Conference' is basically an alignment for war.  And we do not agree with that." The Switzerland 'Peace Conference' is basically an alignment for war and a direct WAR declaration by the West: If Russia doesn't agree to our terms, we will force them to surrender.”

During the coming WW3, the West will be alienated. Europe and the EU will be propelled back to the Middle Ages, and the USA will experience what Hiroshima and Nagasaki looked like after the Americans dropped the nuclear bombs on those cities at the end of WW2...but Latin America will flourish. Especially Panama, Colombia, Salvador, Ecuador, Chile, and maybe Argentina.

"President Zelensky has introduced a law to allow for the harvesting of body organs without consent."

Military Draft Coming?  The House passes a measure to register men for selective service automatically. Among the most interesting aspects of the bill for Fiscal Year 2025 is an amendment to the NDAA, which automatically registers all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System.


Screenshot 2024 06 16 at 16.42.02For the first time, Chinese car sales surpassed those of US rivals.  Asian automakers sold over 13 million new vehicles globally in 2023. Chinese auto manufacturers sold more cars than their US counterparts for the first time last year.  Data showed that Chinese brands, led by Shenzhen-based BYD, sold 13.43 million new vehicles last year, while US brands sold about 11.93 million. Japanese brands “maintained a strong position,” leading with 23.59 million global sales. Sales growth for companies of Chinese origin exceeded that of the US, up 23% from the previous year compared with 9% for American firms.

As car prices continue to rise elsewhere, Chinese car brands capitalize on this trend to gain market traction much faster.  Chinese car brands' market share soared across regions such as the Middle East, Eurasia, and Africa while posting growth in Latin America (Panama) and Southeast Asia. Chinese car brands also gained a share in developed economies, including Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel.

To make the sale of Chinese cars harder, the EU and the US hit China’s vehicle makers with hefty tariffs of up to 40%.  Brussels’ move followed the US' quadrupling tariffs on Chinese EVs to 100%.


Only IDIOTS are selling their physical gold now because they have a 25% profit.

Screenshot 2024 06 18 at 18.43.19At the end of a monetary era, several dominoes will keep falling, initially gradually and then suddenly, as Hemingway explained when asked how you go bankrupt.  Some important dominoes the world will see fall are Political, Geopolitical, Currency, Debt, and Investment Assets. The consequences will be unthinkable: Social Unrest, War, Hyperinflation, a Deflationary asset Implosion, Debt Defaults, and much more.

But when things settle down, offsetting forces will emerge, such as the emergence of powerful BRICS nations often backed by commodities.

Gold will play a major role during this process.  Both central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and investors will turn to gold as the most stable part of a crumbling system, leading to a fundamental revaluation of gold. As more gold cannot be produced, higher prices can only satisfy increased demand.

A country gets the leaders it deserves.  The government is the mirror of the people. Inept leaders and a lack of statesmen are typical for these periods and, thus, one of the falling dominoes. As we reach the end of one of the worst periods in history, both financially and morally, weak leadership exists in most major Western economies.

Political leaders are so unpopular that they will be thrown out at elections and before their period is finished.  The recent European election is a typical example of a failed system. Most ruling parties are being rejected, and in many cases, parties on the right gain popularity. In France, President Macron has announced new elections. In Germany, they have announced new elections.  In the Netherlands, the right-wing Wilders who won the elections was been made harmless.

Initially, there will be high inflation, possibly hyperinflation, and high interest rates.  As the system implodes,  inflated asset prices in stocks, bonds, property, etc, will crash by 50-100% in real terms. This is where we get nominal confusion: although prices may continue increasing, expressed in REAL MONEY, they CRASH. Financial, economic, political, and social collapses of this kind are nothing new; they have happened throughout history, albeit not on a scale of this magnitude.

Most sovereign bonds (if they are still printed) will serve best as wallpaper. It will be a deja vu of the Weimar.

So, what can investors do to protect themselves? What can they do for their financial survival?

***DONT’S are obvious:

  1. Don’t keep most of your wealth in the fragile banking system (brokers), whether in cash or securities. With many banks likely to default, it might take too long before your assets are released, if ever! Bail-ins or forced investments are likely in government securities at low interest rates and for extended periods like 10 years or more.
  2. Don’t hold sovereign bonds as many governments will default.
  3. Don’t bet on inflation reducing your debt. High interest rates or loan indexation might make it impossible to repay borrowings.
  4. Don’t forget that stocks have been inflated by massive credit expansion, which will soon end.

***DOs are more useful:

  1. Hold a lot of physical gold and some physical silver in safe jurisdictions like Panama and possibly Singapore (NOT Switzerland), which are outside the banking systems.
  2. Precious metals must be held in safe non-bank vaults in your name with direct access to the metals.
  3. The idea is to store your metals in a vault that is Lloyd's insured. In case of theft, the insurer will replace the goods. Note that most insurers replace the stolen gold/silver with cash.
  4. To minimize confiscation or freezing of your metals, keeping them outside your country of residence is best.
  5. Hold a meaningful amount of physical gold and silver.

Goldonomic knows how to protect you, your loved ones, and your savings. ACT NOW – before it is too late. Better 6 months early than 1 second late. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • Plans to buy a new home have crashed to a historic low because no purchasing power is left in the USA.
  • China's New Home Prices Plunged the Most Since October 2014. New home prices—the most important indicator of middle-class wealth in the world's second-biggest economy—dropped at the fastest pace since October 2014, falling 0.7% m/m in May (v/s -0.58% in April) and marking the 11th straight decline despite the government’s stimulus to support the property market.
  • In the best-case scenario, the price of real estate will go up when expressed in Fiat money only (Nominal Confusion), as in Turkey, Venezuela, and Argentina.

Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

 © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.


Monday to Wednesday, June 17-19, 2024:  The priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes were no fools!

Updated Sections: Treasuries in the EU, Corporate Bonds, Gold-$, Silver, US Dollar,
Dollar Fundamentals, Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold,

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church sold indulgences;  it was the payment for present and future sins. It was also paid to take souls out of purgatory, and the more it was paid, the more souls quickly came out of purgatory. Purgatory is a medieval doctrine the Pope invented to frighten the gullible and superstitious crowds. So, sell more indulgences, remove souls from purgatory, and cash more physical gold.

The Catholic Church maintained, "The moment the coins echoed when they fell to the bottom of their safe, the soul for which the payment was made would escape purgatory and head to heaven"
(See Hagenbach, Reformation History 1:96).

This was one of the reasons for the origin of the Protestant Reform. One of the deadly blows provided to the papacy was the emergence of the 16th-century Protestant Reform. Martin Luther engraved the 95 Theses on the door of the church of Wittenberg Castle, Germany (1517), refuting the lies of indulgences and purgatory and the dogma of papal infallibility, as the Catholic Church profited from the people's ignorance - like politicians and bankers do today.


The Dollar (and all currencies holding dollars in their reserves) is doomed.  Less than 8 months ago, it seemed unthinkable for Saudi Arabia to trade oil in any other currency than the USD.

Russia responded to the new sanctions by banning all trade in dollars and euros. Saudi Arabia stepped out of the petrodollar. The dollar is about to crash, and hyperinflation and peak rises in Gold and Silver are near.

China and Saudi Arabia signed a currency swap agreement. This was already happening. China and Saudi Arabia were already trading under the guise of a "currency swap," putting goodwill towards a future BRICS agreement. China, Russia, Turkey, India, and Kazakstan are all potential members of the new BRICS currency, and the top four gold buyers have already invited Saudi Arabia to join them.

Brics News: New Central Bank, Currency update, Dedollarization, and focus on  Africa.

This story will end with more war and with WW III.

World War III is to start in 3-4 months!? The writing is on the wall, and it's in bold letters. Once War III starts, you can forget about moving your gold, silver, and other savings out of “political reach.” Getting a second permanent residency/passport will become much harder and a lot more expensive.

World War III—Remember that they are playing exactly the same scenario they were playing with Hitler before WW II to ensure they could blame the Germans for the war.  This time, they are using Putin instead. Everything is a repeat of the script from the 1920s.

Serbian President Vučić: "There will be a world war in 3-4 months—we are checking the oil, flour, and sugar stocks." Given the Serbian president's very good relations with Vladimir Putin and Moscow, it is possible that Vučić knows what is happening behind the scenes and interpreted the Russian ultimatum to NATO, especially after admitting the transfer of Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets to NATO bases in Romania and Poland.

The rhetoric is getting worse daily, and it reminds me of a quote from a famous historian: "The train has left the station, and no one can stop it." I believe the last days are approaching when we can reevaluate and reflect on what is happening in Ukraine. If the big powers don't do something soon, I'm pretty sure we're in for a real disaster. And be advised they won't do anything...they simply can't, for it is too late.

Note:  If a World War starts before the November presidential elections in the USA, WW III will be used to keep Biden in power, and we will probably see no elections in the USA.

I remember that there were similar warnings in the months preceding WW II. As always, the people disregarded all warnings and minimized the danger. The Belgians and Dutch, in particular, believed Germany would never invade neutral countries like Belgium and the Netherlands. Belgium was so poorly prepared for the war that the Privates were sent to the frontline on a bike. The lucky ones had a rifle.  During the month preceding WW II, Albert Einstein (he had an American Visum – in those days, the American Visums were granted for a lifetime) emigrated to the USA.

Goldonomic knows how to protect you, your loved ones, and your savings. ACT NOW – before it is too late. Better 6 months early than 1 second late. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your Pension and free Medical assistance will go up in smoke, in NOTHING. Your pensions are not only about to become worthless, but even worse, they will totally disappear. Whether you are employed by the government, an ex-politician, or a normal citizen won't make any difference.

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In 2024, the situation is even worse!  Less active population to tax and more seniors.


  1. Those hoping their pensions will save them are in for a terrible surprise. Those who decided to spend their entire lives as government employees with the hope that they would be better off than the average citizen are in for a big surprise. Those who rely on the public health care system are in for even bigger surprises.
  2. The point of no return has been passed years ago. Today, the only solution is to PRINT MORE MONEY and generate even more inflation and hyperinflation. WWIII will, of course, be of great help!

Our Real Estate Corner:

Looking at the Population pyramid in the chart above, it is clear that nobody will be left to buy the surplus supply of Real Estate.

Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

 © - The report's contents may NOT be copied, reproduced, or distributed without the explicit written consent of Goldonomic.

Thursday to Friday, June 13-14, 2024:  The monetary system is self-destructing at an alarming rate and reaching the end of its shelf-life.

Updated Sections: Bonds general & USA, 

We'd be a lot better off relying on our own judgment rather than that of the monkeys making domestic, monetary, or foreign policy decisions from Washington, D.C., to Belgium.

You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year.  China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China is a seller and not a buyer.  If nobody will buy the debt, that’s when default comes.  If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what?  It’s done.  This is how governments fall.

I have been warning for decades that this is how it’s going to end. . . . This is why they need war.  This is why Europe is going into war. . . . If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default.  If you have war, they get to default and blame Putin. . . . In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III, regardless of who is on the other side.

 After WW2, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and others organized the biggest Debt Moratorium ever.
Each country did it his way, but the end result was the same.

More than 300 billion euros have disappeared from the Dutch pension funds. The situation is as bad for the Belgian and other pension funds. After all, pension funds must “by law” invest the lion's share in government bonds/treasuries. At the beginning of 2022, the total amounted to €1,800 billion; a year later, only €1,500 billion remained. That €300 billion is the pension funds lost in the bond market.

Pension funds lose a dramatic amount of money when interest rates rise. As a result, €300 billion went up in smoke in the Netherlands. Over the next years, interest rates will continue to increase. This imbalance will become dramatic as more baby boomers retire and there is less of an 'active-working' population.

The only way Politicians can try to postpone the Catharsis is to print more money and ensure that the West becomes a deja vu of Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, and Weimar.  In our section for Long Term Stock Market charts, one can clearly see what I mean by the former statement.  See what the charts of the stock market indexes of these countries look like. Yet, the people living in those countries have become extremely poor.

bankrupt pensions 2024 06 13

The monetary system is self-destructing at an alarming rate and reaching the end of its shelf life.  The people really in charge—the central bankers and those behind them—realize this. That’s why they aim to corral people into an Orwellian system (CBDC) that monitors and controls every penny you earn, save, and spend. One must switch to another banking/financial system to escape this dramatic evolution.  We know how and where.

In tribes, these narcist individuals strive to rise to the top.  In larger communities, they form groups to provide leadership (political parties), and as any community grows, sociopaths rise in prominence to form and expand governments to rule their minions. The larger a population becomes, the greater the opportunity to have power over it since it can be taxed to fund the government.

The politicians keep reminding their subject populace that, without obeisance on their part, there would be chaos: no schools, no roads, and no Medicare,...Therefore, all must sacrifice for "the common good." The tribe accepts a condition of increased taxation and regulation and becomes increasingly enslaved and subservient to the leaders.  Note:  in the USA, until 1913, there were NO TAXES, and yet, there were roads, bridges, medicare, schools, and no chaos.

"History learns that each time a sound system devolved into a democracy, it then further erodes
into a plutocracy/bureaucracy/socialism/communism cartel enforced through non-elected officials."

Our Real Estate Corner:

It's not the price of Real Estate going up but rather the value of fiat money coming down.

Important Fundamentals:

  • The central banks and authorities sit between a rock and a hard plate and can no longer kick the can down the road.  The only solution left is to go to war and use their subjects, your children,  as canon meat.

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Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 June 2024
: Don't believe the "bluff" of the central banks: interest rates will and can NOT come down...except for a short and small bluff-poker correction

Updated Sections: Solar & Rare Elements, Agriculturals, Copper, Platinum, Non-Ferrous 
& shares
, Long Term Commodity Charts, Commodities in Gold, Inflation Index,

Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 13.36.25Don't expect the elections to change how the EU (the EUSSR) is run.  Those at the top can be compared to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. They don't care a FUCK, and there is only one way to get rid of this Seven-Headed Monster: by shortening them.

The Herd, the People, must be extremely stupid by thinking that by re-electing the same narcists, something can and will change.  Since COVID-19, I am 100% sure that the Herd, the People, are nothing but a bunch of freaking idiots wearing mouth masks and staying at home because some crooked narcist said so. It was and is so bad that they massively accepted to be vaxed by an untested, dangerous chemical product....so they could go to a restaurant, to their pub, go on vacation...

People can't resist the human urge to have a visible deity (like some politician) that would hopefully provide them with good times, as long as they were willing to prostrate themselves before it. History is filled with such stories – naïve pagans sacrificing animals and humans to the deities in the hopes that they would provide rain, a good crop, healthy babies, freedom from inter-tribal aggression, etc. Unfortunately, we have not banished paganism. We may live in a more technological age, yet human nature remains the same. The majority of people are still prepared to suspend logic to believe in pagan deities. A quick peek at the recent past reminds us of this.

Remember the hole in the Ozone layer!? It all began as "Global Cooling" but fell flat since a solar warm spell happened to occur just when the concept was introduced. So, the Global Cooling scammers changed the name of the conceptual deity to "Global Warming" to match the existing weather conditions. Unfortunately, a cyclical solar cooling period was due to arrive, and global warming failed again to match the new weather conditions. Once more, a new name was given to the deity. This time, they called it – Climate Change –. From that day forward, the prophets attributed every earthquake, every typhoon, and every drought to the Climate Change deity. Every meteorological event, therefore, provided "proof" of man-made Climate Change.

Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 13.43.50The Climate Change prophets proclaimed that natural disasters were due to the population's sins—that they were being punished by the deity… for driving SUVs and relying on coal for heating.  And people bought it, as they always do. "The end of the world is nigh" has sold well for millennia. Paganism works every time.

As any Climate Change activist will proclaim, "We must make sacrifices." The gods must be appeased, and the prophets always assure the tribe that a sacrificial offering is necessary to accomplish this. Thankfully, in this particular case, all that’s required to appease the god is to pay a carbon tax. It’s unclear how this will end Climate Change, but… have faith and pay.

However, climate change is a mere carnival sideshow compared to the main event.  Mankind has always had amongst its number those individuals (roughly four percent, according to studies) who are sociopathic, who are obsessive in their desire to control others, and who have little or no emotional capacity to be concerned about the genuine welfare of the populace.  These are what we call POLITICIANS..and they use every possible tool to TAX their subjects.

This video about geopolitics is a must-see. If, after seeing the video, you still haven't decided to start your plan B, you have a mental problem.

As history teaches, the HERD always finds excuses not to act and to stick to their habits. Many can't even act because they locked themselves in: They put all their savings in real estate and additionally borrowed money. They don't have any savings out of political reach. "Everything evolves from geopolitics"; hence, it is great to zoom out occasionally. We look at current global conflicts and how they shape markets and politics. This is an absolute masterclass not to be missed!

Our Real Estate Corner:

Screenshot 2024 06 07 at 16.15.32No money to buy Real Estate: Credit Card Delinquencies Rise to 14-Year High!

Consumers are increasingly struggling to pay their credit card bills, with severe delinquencies rising to 10.7% in the first quarter — a 14-year high, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This significant increase from 8.2% a year ago coincides with total credit card debt climbing to $1.12 trillion. The data shows younger consumers, particularly those in their 20s and 30s, are finding it hardest to manage their payments due to lower earnings and savings.

The long-term trend for Real Estate is down. The long-term trends for Gold and silver are up. In some cases, the Fiat Price of Real Estate may go up, adding to the nominal confusion.

Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

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Thursday to Friday, June 6-7, 2024:
Europeans Can Now Only Place Sell Orders On Sprott Physical Gold & Silver Funds!

Updated Sections: 

Second-residency doors keep being closed.  We were informed that the new president, Mulino, as of next month of July, will make it harder to get a Panamanian/Residency passport in Panama as of July 1st. Note that in St-Kitts and Nevis, the cost of a passport/residence has already become exorbitantly expensive, and the paperwork is crazy. We still have some other safe options (e.g., Mexico and Paraguay), but prices keep rising, and everything becomes harder. 

It is important to realize that you don't buy a second residency off the shelf; it comes with many add-ons. Many don't realize that, as a rule, the local lawyers have no clue how to serve an international citizen, and severe problems often become apparent 12 to 24 months later.

Most people don't realize until it is too late that a residency in se is insufficient.  Additional work must be done before the permanent resident/passport holder is safe.  As a rule, the locals have no clue about the additional requirements, and a resident is often left with a product he/she cannot safely use.

The EU is increasing pressure on countries offering a second passport to ensure capital stays within their borders so they can keep taxing it. By "within its borders," the EU includes all capital/real estate/ savings within the CRS (Central Reporting System) borders. Those who still decide to emigrate must pay a REICHFLUCHTSTEUER, as is already the case in Germany and is planned in Canada.

A second residency also offers vital protection in case of a war...and war we will surely get in Europe (once more). Cheap Russian energy Europe is no longer competitive in the world. Every three generations ( about 75 years), the bankrupt system no longer functions, and politicians only see war as the solution. Those who still do not notice the signs of this are deaf and blind. Even the Queen of the Netherlands tells the Dutch people to prepare for "Sneuvelbereidheid,"  i.e., prepareness to be killed in the coming war. If you don't want to see your sons (and now also probably your daughters), you must ACT now!  [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] There is not so much time left....

Wealth preservation in the form of physical gold, owned directly and in a safe jurisdiction
(countries like the US, Canada, Singapore, Switzerland, or EU are not politically safe )
is clearly the best insurance investors can buy today.


WATCH MY WORDS. Buying physical Gold and/or silver in the EU will soon become impossible or at least strongly regulated!  Buying US/Canadian closed-end funds in the EU/EEC is already impossible; PSLV, PHYS, or SPPP can no longer be bought on the largest, most reputable trading sites. One can now ONLY sell  PSLV, PHYS, and SPPP. The only ones allowed to trade are SLV and GLD, which I do not trust because they are not  100% covered by physical metal. 

Upon placing an order, it reads: 

“Your order was not placed. Due to current EU regulations, it is impossible to invest in this security; only sell orders are possible. This applies to all U.S. and Canadian Closed-End Funds”.

It has already become very hard, if possible, to export physical Gold and Silver from Europe. That is why we advise you to move your physical gold and silver out of political reach NOW! Those who refuse to do so for some stupid reason will soon find their metals completely trapped.  Soon, the authorities may seize either Gold or Silver for the sake and safety of the country, and/or the sale will be heavily taxed.  In other words, if you don't act, you will have bought gold and silver for the Government and not as a personal security. Be assured your local gold/silver dealer will DENY this reality.

Our Real Estate Corner:

The real estate bubble is starting to deflate all over the Western world! Those trying to squeeze the last cent out of a property will either be forced to keep it or sell it at much lower prices. Selling at reasonable prices will soon become impossible.

Screenshot 2024 06 03 at 18.38.04


Important Fundamentals:

For premium members only.

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Monday to Wednesday, June  3-5, 2024: Joe Public is still far too comfy,  ignorant, and complacent.

Updated Sections: Gold-$, Oil Shares, Natural Gas & shares, Uranium Shares, 
Bank & Fin. Shares, Crude Oil price,

snakeoil 2024 05 28 at 19.49.39There are a ridiculous number of false prophets selling their snake oil out there. The Herd usually believes their lies and falls for what they sell.  Amazing and dramatic is that we find even professors in economics between these clowns. To add insult to injury, ignorant politicians are even more ignorant and stupid and are only interested in buying as many votes as possible; we all know that modern narcist politicians can't even decently run a candy store. And yet, they run whole countries. Could it get any sillier??

As a result, the HERD doesn't know which barking dog it must listen to, and it is totally lost.  That is probably the main reason why we call the HERD, or the SHEEPLE.  Few people know that the most frightened sheep jumps first when you try to chase a herd in a certain direction, and all others follow blindly.

Governments mask fiscal imbalances by gradually reducing currency purchasing power, achieving two goals: Inflation is a hidden tax, transferring wealth from savers and wages to the government, and expropriating wealth from the private sector.?? They do this by printing money and creating debt.

In Argentina, today's Europe, with its stifling rules, is used as a historical example of madness and how NOT to do it!

It is all too obvious and so simple. Economics and finance listen to a few BASIC rules. Nothing is sophisticated. Why, then, do they make it so complex? Why all the financial articles, podcasts, and long texts?...

To summarize, it is unsurprising that gold began a powerful uptrend in the early 2000s when governments and central banks started debasing ‘paper currency’ to finance reckless government spending.  Over the next decade and beyond, the Western world will continue to witness a staggering increase in debt and the money supply, leading to severe inflation and hyperinflation.

One reason investors should consider gold rather than fixed income to hedge their exposure to equities is that not only should investors expect further weaponization of the economy in an increasingly polarized world, but also because in a persistently inflationary environment, as has been the case since the start of the Covid pandemic, gold will continue to provide the necessary hedge as government bonds, equities, and real estate lose value on an inflation-adjusted basis.

Contrary to the lies sold by the Mainstream Media, the Russian Ruble continued to strengthen against major currencies, jumping to its highest level against the dollar since late January. The ruble reached 88.4 to the US dollar, its highest point rate since January 30. It also gained against the Euro, trading at around 96 to the euro, also a five-month high. Analysts have also partially attributed the strong ruble to the delayed effect of Russia's $18.8 billion trade surplus in March, the highest figure since January 2022.

China announced it sold a record amount of US Treasury and agency bonds (Dollars) in Q1 2024.  Beijing offloaded a total of $53.3 billion of Treasuries and agency bonds combined. Belgium, often seen as a custodian of China’s holdings, disposed of $22 billion of Treasuries during the period.

While China selling dollar assets, its holdings of gold have risen in the nation’s official reserves. The share of the precious metal in the reserves climbed to 4.9% in April, the highest level recorded since central bank data collection began in 2015.


Our Real Estate Corner

We openly forecasted this would happen during our Symposium with Peter Schiff held in Belgium almost 10 years ago...
Many of the disbelievers are now BANKRUPT, and many will follow.

Screenshot 2024 05 31 at 15.44.03In Belgiumpending home sales 2024 05 30, more than 1,000 builders have filed for bankruptcy this year. That is already 30% more than the 2023 record.


 In the US, the pending home sales have fallen dramatically.

Important Fundamentals:

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