
September 2024


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Tuesday to Tuesday 3-10, September 2024: World War III has already begun...but the Mainstream Media masks the action!

Updated Sections: Corporate Bonds, Gold-$, Silver, US Dollar, 
America stole Maduro's (President of Venezuela)private jet on the Dominican Republic...the WILD WEST it is!

What has World War II—BBC in common with Telegram, Twitter, Rumble, Instagram, TikTok, Signal, WhatsApp, Facebook,...?? During WW2, those who listened to the BBC were shot. Today, the CEOs of the "Free Stations" are arrested. Julian Assange was only the first and a warning. The founder of Instagram is probably only the second one. Many others will follow.  The TRUTH, the reality that World War 3 sits right around the corner and that the USA and NATO are behind it, may not end up in the history books. 

Celui qui dit la verité, it doit être exécuté!

 The equivalent of today's Telegram, Rumble,... During WWII, those caught listening to the BBC were arrested and shot. Telegram founder arrested in France.
Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 15.56.47 Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 15.57.38 Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 15.58.02
 Don't rely on the MSM to tell you the truth. The MSM are the PROPAGANDA channels of the Authorities.  Those who tell The Truth have to be liquidated.
In Brazil, if you are caught using Twitter with a VPN, you will be fined  $8,900 daily.  Thank you for electing a SOCIALIST president. Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 16.17.48 DEMOCRACY is the modern term for COMMUNISM.
   Those who tell The Truth have to be liquidated.   

Screenshot 2024 08 29 at 11.48.29

The herd likes and always falls for political arguments to stop money laundering, drug trade, and child trafficking, fiscal fraud. Hence, politicians always use these arguments to keep the Sheeple voting for them.

Durov is “administering an online platform” allegedly used by a criminal gang to conduct an illicit transaction.  The rest of the charges, which prosecutors announced on Monday, include facilitating fraud, money laundering, and the distribution of narcotics and child pornography, as well as refusal to turn over user data to law enforcement investigations.

The Authorities don't want us to know that PANTZERS are moving towards the Tjeck Border. [pantzers tjeck border] The Authorities don't want you to know that half of the U.S.A. naval fleet is positioned in the East Mediterranean today.  The Authorities don't want you to know that American Soldiers are regularly killed in Ukraine.  

They don't want you to know that NATO and the U.S.A. have crossed the red line and are "de facto" at war with Russia.  They don't want you to know that Putin issued several warnings. Contrary to Russia, Western Europe, and in particular, The Netherlands and Belgium (NATO Headquarters), are densely populated countries that will suffer terribly under a Russian (nuclear) attack.

“NATO representatives should know what they are playing with, especially in Europe. Before they talk about striking deep into the Russian territory, they should keep in mind that their states are usually states with small territory and very dense population” - President Putin.

The odds are that they will try to destroy the USA before RFK and Trump move to the White House and take control. RFK Jr's endorsement of Trump is just the beginning. A growing number of ex-Democrats will endorse Trump in the coming weeks. This will cause the system to play every card they've got: False flags, cyber-attacks, nuclear terrorism, a World War, you name it.

This is what the Western World is today—one BIG, CORRUPT society.

The irony is that the majority keep chasing more "worthless fiat money" and don't even spend five minutes trying to understand what REAL MONEY is.

How can you get rich, very rich, with the government's help without working very hard? The answer is simple: those who do the right thing become very rich by doing almost nothing: working and putting all their savings into physical Gold and Silver.  For years, those who followed our advice earned 10% each year. Just kept it in a VAULT "out of political reach" that ensures the metals and has a concierge service. No hassles with Government, Banks, Brokers,

For centuries, Copper, Silver, and Gold have been money. Everything else is credit and debtBretton Woods declared the US Dollar real money after WW II.  In 1971, President Nixon made the US Dollar worthless fiat money. Since that year, propaganda has driven gold out of the monetary system, and it was only a matter of time before the Dollar became worthless.  

Since 1971, the US Dollar has lost 98% of its value, from $20 to $2500, which is not an increase but a decrease in value. Sterling has lost 99% of its value—1 gold sovereign now costs 450 pounds, or the British pound lost 1/450th of its actual value.

Currency is credit and debt because of the counterparty risk and lack of gold coverage. Credit is losing its value faster as time goes on.

Today, the government creates debt (credit, currency), which is used for payments. Credit is getting riskier and riskier. The US debt to GDP is 130%. In other words, increasing debt now reduces the value of the existing credit in circulation, which is accelerating. The point of NO RETURN lies behind us...there is no way back.  It is mathematically sure that the story will end with hyperinflation.

Interest rates result from the exponential growth of credit and demand for it.  The supply and demand rule applies to debt/interest rates as it does to goods and services. That is "WHY" we have much higher interest rates in Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, Lebanon,...Because interest rates result from the SUPPLY and DEMAND of CREDIT (fiat money), there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to lower the general level of interest rates. Only short-term government-induced corrections are possible.

Your government will seize whatever is left of your money after inflation. Similarly, your government will seize whatever physical gold and silver you leave within political reach.

Fiat Money Has Failed Throughout History.  There have been many failures in the history of money. Every fiat currency, from the Romans to the Turkish Lira, where governments spent more than they earned, ended in collapse and hyperinflation.

To save the banks, they will create even more credit (money) and start working with Bail-ins.

A bank is a dealer of credit. When the people they lend money to can't repay their debt because interest rates rise, and they go bust, the banks run into problems and eventually also go bust. Today's looming danger is "Commercial Real Estate". Commercial real estate is an excellent example. It was built when interest rates were meager. Thanks to COVID, people work out of home, and only about 45% of the workforce irregularly visits their offices. Less office space is rented out, and because loans go bust, banks get into trouble. A first-class, secure investment vehicle has turned into a nightmare.

The Bank of Montreal holds large amounts of Commercial Real Estate and office building loans and was an excellent and safe investment...until Covid happened. Today, the Bank of Montreal is, just like TD Bank, running in trouble, and...last week, the stock lost 7%.

Higher Interest rates, together with Commercial and other Real Estate debacles (Shopping Malls), will result in an increasing number of bankruptcies, and banks that are already overleveraged will get into serious trouble. If they lose, the equity gets wiped out very fast.

In Japan, the banking system is also massively leveraged. Since banks are credit dealers, they had to increase their leverage to continue making profits. Since bond values have risen, they have also suffered huge losses on bond investments.

China has been getting out of dollar credit and into gold, silver, and copper. They even buy grains to get out of credit.  The Middle East does the same. Instead of chasing CREDIT (currency), one must save REAL MONEY (gold and silver). By doing this, as the value of credit (currency) always tends to ZERO, you will have the impression you get rich...while you are protecting and preserving your purchasing power when others refuse to do so and are getting poor.

This is nominal confusion to mislead the HERD.  Last week, the Dow Jones Industrials hit an "all-time historic record" when expressed in fiat dollars. When expressed in other currencies, because the US dollar weakened, it did not. Expressed in Real Money or Gold, it still shows a stiff loss!

Nominal confusion: The value of credit (fiat money) is coming down, not the price of gold going up!

The Eurosystem will not survive the next financial crisis.  The losses due to the last QE require a recapitalization of all banks. Things are so bad that the ECB is recapitalizing its balance sheet by calling debt equity an asset. Even the Bundesbank needs to recapitalize its share of the ECB while recapitalizing in the EU is virtually impossible. [add to this the DERIVATIVES]

Over the past years, the Russian standard of living has improved substantially.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • Even the Real Estate bubble is the direct consequence of CREDIT, and the coming Real Estate crash will be the direct consequence of imploding Credit.
  • Houses are priced in credit, not Gold. Even if the credit price of Real Estate continues to go up, its real value will continue to crash.

Important Fundamentals:

  • In the West today, more people are SELLING Gold than BUYING Gold...AT THESE RECORD PRICES.

   For premium members only.

Important Technicals:

  • The breakout of the utility index points to

   For premium members only.

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