How Germans were taxed up to almost 50% of their assets.
The "Great Taking" has begun. A story about chickens: You minus - Lastenausgleich minus - Reichsfluchtsteuer minus - GUTT = ZERO.
# The chicken One to the left is like most people today. The government steals almost all their eggs. Sales tax is 21%, income tax is 60%, and heritage tax can be as high as 60%. The worst is the hidden tax or the inflation.
# Chicken Two is a picture of what the chicken looks like after the "Reichsfluchtsteuer." It is a picture of those who hesitated and have no plan B.
The "Reichsfluchtsteuer" taxed those who decided way too late to emigrate (even virtually) to avoid the extremely high taxation in their homeland and saw the coming World War.
Similar legislation has now been prepared in the EU (the Netherlands). Volt MP Laurens Dassen, who comes from a banking family, wants an exit tax for wealthy Dutch people who leave for foreign countries. “These people have enjoyed the amenities, built up a wonderful wealth as a result, and then go somewhere where they have to pay 0% tax. We can't allow this, can we?”
# Chicken Three is a picture of what the chicken (you) will look like after the "Lastenausgleich." (copied from Finland)
The ``Lastenausgleich'' taxed German households whose wealth had survived the war and those profiting from eradicating debts in the currency reform in 1948. Apart from a small allowance, the wealth levy constituted a quasi-flat 50% tax on households' net wealth in 1948.
This redistribution was carried out by those left with considerable assets (in particular real estate) who had to pay an “equalization tax.” This levy was calculated according to the amount of assets as of June 21, 1948, the day after the introduction of the D-Mark in the three western occupation zones.
The levy amounted to 50% of the calculated asset value and could be paid into the equalization fund in up to 120 quarterly installments, i.e., spread over 30 years. For this purpose, a property levy, a mortgage gains levy, and a credit gains levy were introduced, and the money had to be paid to the tax offices.
# Chicken Four is a picture after "Operation GUTT (Lieftinck)," which finally took everything from the people's savings after the war. During this operation, everybody had to turn in his money, stocks, bonds, etc., receiving a maximum of 10,000 Belgian Francs in return. There were a few exemptions, like Religious congregations. The banknotes were exchanged for new banknotes, and the stocks, bonds, and other securities were stamped as "good to go" once the heavy taxes were paid.
# Until this happens, most will continue playing with Monopoly Money to accumulate more Fiat Money.
They will keep "sitting on their assets like a chicken on her eggs" until her eggs are stolen and she is slaughtered.
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