
January 2025

Expect Wild Trading In Global Markets In 2025, Especially Silver!

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Monday, January 20 to Friday, January 24, 2025: Los Angeles, California Burnout is a deja vu of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Updated Sections: World Stock Market Indexes (all looking b***sh), Indexes In Gold

Dirty politicians use the naturally changing weather patterns to mislead the people and for more power and money/debt.

Weather patterns change when the magnetic north moves to another location on planet Earth. Why does no MSM mention that the Sahara is turning green?

When Rome burned to ashes in 64 AD, its emperor, Nero, blamed the Christians; today, the Californian governor blames global warming.
It still works. The HERD swallows it all. Especially Californians!

What happens in California is a modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah, especially what preceded it. This is the Catharis of Socialism and Communism. The irony is that it happens at the propaganda nucleus's center of Los Angeles. The same will happen in the West (EU-DDR). At this time, all actors are being prepared and put in place. In fact, they are already in place in the West, and it is just waiting for a spark that ignites it all. 

If you had told all these Movie Stars last year that this was imminent, they would have locked you up in an asylum.  Today, they all get what they asked for: no insurance coverage, and their homes are reduced to ashes.

For years, the Libertarians (lefties) have mismanaged California and Los Angeles.  Although California's tax levels are the highest in the US, the state is in the worst shape compared to other states, where the taxes are much lower (but run by non-libertarians). The fire hydrants and water supply failed. Water reservoirs that generally feed the hydrants were poorly and often not maintained at all, and most were empty. So, there was no water to extinguish the fire.

The budget for the Fire Brigades was cut by almost half.  The LAFD is now smaller than it was in 2005 and almost as small as it was in 1969. It is the smallest major fire department in the country, and politicians who would rather spend taxpayer money on illegals and homeless people have cut its budget numerous times. Rivers that provided the water reservoirs with water and kept the environment green were diverted by some retard Greens to the Pacific to save some fish.

The electrical system was not maintained, and the wiring was kept above ground on wooden palisades.  The transformers were too small and exploded when the power demand became too high, resulting in even more fires.

And yes, much of the Twittersphere and the Internet are ablaze with outrage over the LA Fire Department’s perceived incompetent leadership.  Commentators claim that LAFD is led by “three lesbians named Kristin” who lack the experience to run the department. It’s true that the LA Fire Chief is a lesbian named Kristin and that several other high-ranking officers within LAFD are also lesbian women, including the head of Diversity and Inclusion. To add insult to injury, the Mayor of Los Angeles went on a business trip to Ghana instead of caring about the city. She gets a salary of $700,000 per year.

The Great Taking.  I consider it an urgent must-read (available for free here). (last year, we already published information regarding this - The Great Taking)

A vast devaluation of the dollar, the euro, the Pound Sterling, and the Swiss is coming in 2025. He who understands this got it... those who don't will lose it all.

Here’s the synopsis:

  • It is about taking collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design; the audacity and scope are difficult for the mind to encompass. All financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions, and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses financed with debt.

Gone are the days of physical paper share certificates and bearer securities, when you controlled and owned the asset.

  • Today, your control and ownership have become increasingly distant as stocks, bonds, and other investments have been centralized away from account holders and rehypothecated—a slimy practice where financial institutions reuse an account holder’s asset for their own purposes, creating multiple claims on the same asset.
  • Contrary to what most brokerage account holders believe, they only have the appearance of ownership.  If their broker goes bust, the stocks and bonds they think they own will be used to satisfy the other more senior creditors of their broker.
  • Though it’s not just securities, they will also take ANY asset financed by debt—like real estate, cars, and small businesses—as people become unable to service their debts. Webb provides all the details and proof in his book.
  • The trap has been set, and the legal plumbing is in place. All that is needed is a big crisis that will cause a tidal wave of bankruptcies, and the hidden forces behind the world’s central banks will be able to take everyone’s stocks, bonds, and any property financed by debt.
  • All the assets people think they own in brokerage accounts, bank accounts, pensions, and other financial accounts could vanish overnight.
  • "There will be a game of musical chairs. When the music stops, you will not have a seat. It is designed to work that way."
  • Debt is not a real thing. It is an invention, a construct designed to take real things.  The bottom line is that debt has for centuries had the function of dispossessing, of taking away property, capital, and investments from someone.

Gold and Silver: The general buying public doesn’t get involved until the final inning or two…and we are not anywhere near that.

Gold dealers see few customers daily, and most transactions are done by appointment. This contrasts with the early 1980s gold run when a line outside the door stretched around the block. In those days, they had to let the sellers in first so he’d have inventory for the buyers to purchase!"

The sellers of gold mostly fall into the following categories:

  1. Bitter folks who bought back in 2012 have been waiting to get back to even (nominally).
  2. "loose hand" investors who have enjoyed a nice short-term return & want to pocket the profit.
  3. People who need the money.

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • Spain is working on new laws. Non-EU citizens who buy a property in Spain will have to pay a 100% tax. Even worse, it will become impossible to inherit property from your parents. This is supposed to solve the home problem for newcomers (immigrants). There is more, and the new legislation will undoubtedly push the general level of Spanish real estate down.
  • Mortgage delinquencies are already at dramatic levels and keep growing almost exponentially.

  • There is no way that this will end without dramatic consequences for all.

Important Fundamentals:

  • Macy's is closing 60 stores because shops at multiple locations are underperforming in sales.
  • MALI has begun enforcing a provisional order to seize gold stock at Barrick Gold’s Loulo-Gounkoto site. This is one of the dangers of holding gold shares. As more countries For premium members only.  
  • Interest rates also don't manage the economy...interest rates are there to stabilize the currency. Interest rates are also there to deflate and avoid bubbles. If this time they reduce the interest rates, the currencies will crash,
  • Bitcoin is a game of finding another idiot you can convince to buy the worthless hot potato. Cryptos will crash together with stocks...
  • Tight Capacity in Offshore Oil Services - at $75 per barrel- it is impossible For premium members only.  

Important Technicals:

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Monday, January 13 to Friday, January 17, 2025: DEBT DESTROYS NATIONS and the SUICIDE of EUROPE, alias the EU-DDR!

Updated Sections: Candollar & Gold, British Pound & Gold, Swedish Krona & Gold,
Aussie & Gold, Yen & Gold, SA Rand & Gold,

The latest news: Soon, whoever does not take steps to buy/stockpile gold and silver out of Europe now (i.e., out of political reach) and does not take steps for a 2nd residency will suffer a LOT!

EU authorities announced they plan CAPITAL CONTROLS and an EMIGRATION TAX, which the emigrant(s) will have to pay over 10 years and will be based on the income from the last pre-emigration years. The emigrant's assets will be held as collateral as long as the full amount has not been paid.

The EU-DDR and European governments will legally impose this. It will also apply to those who move from Belgium or the Netherlands to Spain and Portugal.

As a bonus, buying gold and silver abroad will be impossible and illegal. People will have no alternative but to purchase metals locally, where the government can tax or seize them.

We had similar legislation in Argentina. However, Argentines who repatriate (black or white) money from abroad today are granted a PREMIUM of 15% on top of the capital they are repatriating and receive a tax exemption!


And history confirms, without exception, that all debt-soaked nations (and power-hungry leaders) inevitably face a moment of reckoning when the only way to “solve” its self-created debt crisis (usually by excessive spending and grotesque military over-reach) is via the frog-boil debasement of the currency by which its citizens otherwise measure their wealth.

Of course, this is bad for long-term bondholders, paper currency savers, and those who misunderstand the difference between nominal and real (inflation-adjusted) returns—i.e., those who refuse to see what history makes clear, namely,  Debt Destroys Nations. On the other hand, history is very kind to gold, and regardless of whether its spot price goes up or down over months or quarters, its longer-term direction will be much, much, much higher.

Central banks keep their sovereign bond market alive by creating inflationary money out of thin air to pay for their debt and by creating debt. They do this by magically printing trillions to buy their unwanted bonds, keeping bond yields down because rising bond yields are the actual rates at which governments must otherwise pay their criminally negligent debt.

The bond market is “saved” at the expense of the currency's purchasing power.

If you understand this, you know more than most. At current (fatal and unsustainable) debt levels, keeping those yields compressed is literally a matter of national survival, which means expanding (i.e., debasing) the M2 money supply to “inflate away” a now undeniable debt crisis. Even fewer people understand that the rigging of interest rates only works until the NATURAL FORCES take over.

The EU-DDR bans the good old Cotton!

Here comes the next stupidity from the command center of European megalomania: good old cotton is being banned.  The fabric that has been making our T-shirts, jeans, and underwear for generations no longer fits into the climate-saving worldview of our EU technocrats.

What sounds like a premature April Fool’s joke is deadly serious. In the name of the holy circular economy and the almighty Green Deal, cotton is set to be phased out in the EU by 2030. Natural fiber is not recyclable enough, and its cultivation is too damaging to the environment.  The architects of this madness have created two melodious guidelines: the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. Behind this bureaucratic tongue-twister is an attempt to force our economy into a green corset.

German textile giants like Adidas, Hugo Boss, and Tchibo must completely reorganize their production.  The alternative would probably be hemp and lyocell—materials that sometimes even use more water than the supposedly evil cotton, not to mention the costs. But hey, the most important thing is “sustainable,” right? However, while European companies face many new regulations, their Asian competitors rub their hands in glee. They happily continue to process cotton and then export their products to us.

The reality is this: the EU is busy sawing off the branch our economy is sitting on.  First, the car industry, then the construction industry, and now the textile industry – who’s next? Consumers will foot the bill – with higher prices for the most basic everyday products. For the Eurocrats, who are paid with taxpayers’ money, this may not be such a big deal, but what about the average consumer?

Our Real Estate Corner:
  • GROCERIES or Rent. Should I buy groceries or pay my rent?  This is for those who still do not know the definition of inflation and refuse to admit that Big Government (politicians, judges, bureaucrats) is why we have all our misery. The day people get hungry, there will be a revolution and/or War. That will be the day when Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette (replace the names by......and.....) will be executed.

  • There is no way to escape the EU-DDR. Note that this is only one of the many new measures imposed by the EU-DDR.

Important Fundamentals:

  •  Diamonds are NOT forever and are a terrible investment vehicle.
Diamond prices crash 80% overnight. The EU-DDR leaders are psychopaths, and the EU-DDR citizens are idiot slaves.
For premium members only.    For premium members only.
The economy is in terrible shape and NOT booming at all.  For premium members only.

Important Technicals:

  •  I increasingly feel that the financial markets are preparing daily for dramatic action. The buildup started last year and maybe even in 2023. I don't know when the action will come or what will make it happen. Everyone who goes through all the charts
  • For premium members only.
For premium members only. For premium members only.
The next move for gold is higher.  Very few people own Gold and/or Silver.
For premium members only. For premium members only.
 Silver. US Dollar.

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Monday, January 6 to Friday, January 10, 2025:
2025 will end fiat money and cryptos.

Updated Sections: US Dollar, Silver, Gold-$, Rupee Gold, Yuan Gold, Swiss Franc & Gold,
Candollar & Gold,

This is how fiat money dies.

Does the dollar (euro) go over the cliff this year?  Of course, timing can’t be predicted, but we can deduce outcomes from logic and history because history is known to repeat itself. In case it does repeat for the dollar (and the Euro, the Krona, the Rand, the CanDollar,...), as I logically expect, we need to be prepared by owning constitutional money, physical gold, and silver.  Our different sections clearly show in what sequence the fiat currencies fall into the Abyss.

Note:  CBDC has a good reason for introducing digital money, and central banks know all too well that this will be of huge importance during the coming hyperinflation.

This is what the HERD, the MAJORITY of the people, are like. There will be no crack-up boom. Nothing serious will happen; if it does, it won't happen until 2030-2040. Europe is entirely safe. We don't need to take any action.  Those who prepare themselves are doomsayers who know nothing about life and politics. The authorities and governments have everything entirely under control!

We will probably have a crack-up boom in 2025/26. A crack-up boom is an economic crisis that involves a recession in the real economy and a collapse of the monetary system due to continual credit expansion, resulting in unsustainable, rapid price increases. Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises developed this concept as part of the Austrian business cycle theory.

Treasury chief Yellen issues US debt warning. Janet Yellen has told Congress that “Extraordinary measures” may be needed soon to prevent the nation from defaulting on its obligations. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said the federal government will hit its debt limit as early as January 14 unless Congress takes action or the Treasury implements “extraordinary measures” to avoid default.

Under a 2023 budget deal, Congress suspended the debt ceiling—a cap on how much money the US government can borrow—until January 1, 2025. Without further action, the Treasury cannot meet all its obligations. Since then, debt has been growing exponentially.

What is a crack-up boom?

A crack-up boom is an economic crisis that occurs when a monetary system collapses due to rapid inflation and a recession in the real economy.  Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises coined the term in his Austrian business cycle theory (ABCT). Here are some key characteristics of a crack-up boom:

  • Credit expansion. A period of excessive credit expansion leads to unsustainable price increases. 
  • Hyperinflation. The rapid inflation that results from the credit expansion can lead to hyperinflation. 
  • Currency abandonment.  People abandon the government-issued currency in favor of tangible goods that they expect to increase in value. 
  • Recession.  The crack-up boom can lead to a recession or depression. 

Mises supported his theory with historical examples, such as the hyperinflation in Germany and Austria in the 1920s.

In Europe, the EU-SSR or EU-DDR continues to commit suicide. Because of Ursula van der Leyen's politics, Ukraine and Qatar are discontinuing the delivery of Natural Gas to the EU. Norway is also.

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Ursula von der Leyen plans to invest 1.5 trillion euros annually in decarbonizing the European Union. This amount equals 10% of Europe's GDP, which will be spent annually.
  • European funds, distributed to EU member states in various ways, will henceforth be "conditional on respect for the rule of law"... In other words, any deviation from the EU's ideological line in any area will be subject to financial sanctions - as is already happening with Hungary. This new direction for the EU will lead to the ideology of Western Europe being imposed all over Europe.
  • The aim is to penalize social media networks that refuse to censor their users or, more precisely, that refuse to penalize their users in the way the EU wants... either X submits to the EU's ideology and censorship, or X will have a part of its global revenue confiscated.
  • Any illegal immigrants intercepted in the Mediterranean, even within sight of the African coast, must be brought to the European Union to exercise their "rights." A tenfold increase in the number of border guards would do nothing to change the law in force; as long as the law is not reformed, unlimited and unvetted migration in Europe will continue.
  • Of all groups, the center-right is by far the largest target.... It is, however, the demands of the smallest group — the left environmentalists — that dominate.
  • By refusing, on principle, ever to govern with real right-wing parties, the center-right guarantees that the left remains forever in power.
  • As the left will remain in power, tax optimization through countries such as BULGARIA, PORTUGAL,...is useless and a waste of money.  Out of political reach is OUT OF EUROPE! Every European country, including Switzerland and Liechtenstein, will end like Portugal (which canceled its' Golden Passport program under the pressure of the EU-DDR),  Hungary, and Italy,...they either do what the EUSSR chief decides, or Ursula stops funding the countries. Note: the newly introduced single registry control in Spain for hotels, short-term rentals, and rentals happens under the control and blackmail of the EU-DDR. If Spain doesn't comply, the EU-DDR will cut the money supply to deeply indebted Spain. This is how the EU-DDR fully controls Spain.
  • This will propel the price of European natural gas and crude oil (energy) to unseen levels. Note that the EU-SSR heavily taxes natural gas. This video is only for subscribers.

For premium members only.

Our Real Estate Corner:

 Most people will deny that such a thing is to happen, for accepting it has dire implications, especially for those who bought their Real Estate with a mortgage.

Important Fundamentals:

  • Controlling the price of anything never works in the long run.  It always leads to failure. Just a question of time. The issue is that the western bullion banks and the fed have massively overlent gold for many, many years, to what extent no one knows. That’s if they actually still hold any. Also, without being able to prove it, I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if Bitcoin was specifically designed to suppress gold demand.  There is a price level above which gold prices will bankrupt the system as they will never be able to cover their short. The price will inevitably go to this level.  
  • For premium members only.
For premium members only.

Important Technicals:

For premium members only. For premium members only.
The next move for gold is higher.  Very bullish patterns for the miners.
 For premium members only.  For premium members only.
A bearish signal for Cryptos. A correction of the stock markets!
For premium members only. For premium members only.
 A strong Buy! A strong Buy! 
For premium members only. For premium members only.
 A strong Buy!  A strong Buy!
For premium members only. For premium members only.
A strong Buy!  A strong Buy! 
For premium members only.  
 A strong Buy! Shares, Bonds, etc to become worthless when expressed in Gold (Real Money)

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Updated Sections: Medical Care in Panama, COVID-19 a complot? (video by Geert),

Note: according to our sources, on December 16, 2024, Israel dropped the 1st nuclear bomb on Syria. The French air force has launched airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, former ISIS) targets in Syria over the weekend, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu confirmed on Tuesday. American forces have launched multiple airstrikes on the Yemeni capital of Sana’a, hitting what the Pentagon has described as Houthi military targets. The US and UK have stepped up bombing raids on the Arab country since the militant faction hit Israel with a ballistic missile earlier this month.

Panama back a U.S. state!? It's a poor political joke.

A splendor of a New Year's gift? Will Panama become an American state again? Will Panama become part of the USA like Puerto Rico but a state with special status? This would mean a significant additional economic stimulus for the country, which is now experiencing 9%—12% annual growth. But just like Greenland, Panama will never be American again.

As any sensible individual understands, the "leftist" media have portrayed the statement Trump made public in December in a negative light. All those 13th buttonhole shitty journalists have never visited Panama and know even less about Panamanian history and the (r)evolution the country experienced over the last +10 years. I experienced how the country blossomed after Martinelli came to power years ago. The man was sold by the "leftist media" as corrupt. Perhaps he was. By the way, ALL politicians are corrupt. Someone who is not corrupt does not go into politics. But Martinelli likewise thought of his country and people and served his country well. By the way, we owe the "Friendly Nations" residency/passport legislation to this man.

I have seen the streets with potholes and the sidewalks with pitfalls evolve into beautiful boulevards. I've seen the electrical grid, which, like in the USA, hovered above heads like a spider web, disappear underground. I have seen "Casco Viejo," where 10 years ago only the poor resided, evolve into a beautiful tourist district. I have seen the construction of the subway. You can take the subway from the city to the airport right now. Soon, you can take the subway that runs under the Panama Canal from the city to Araijan and Chorerro. And a trip only costs 35 cents.

I see it all happening with my own eyes under my nose. The 4-lane highway from Panama Pacifico to Costa Rica has been expanded into a beautiful 6-lane highway. They are currently working on a new bridge (#4) over the Panama Canal. Like the Metro connection to Panama Pacifico, this should be completed in 2 years. There are plans to build a rail link from Panama to David.

Right now, a new, state-of-the-art power plant is under construction.  Once finished, Panama will have so much electricity that power will be sold to neighboring countries. The country has super-fast fiber optic Internet. If you drive from Panama City to Boquete, you will notice that the roads are much better than those in Belgium and the Netherlands. There is construction everywhere: shopping centers, clinics, houses, apartment buildings, and, clearly, the picture of a rapidly growing economy and country. The vehicle fleet is one of high quality: it is modern, and you see many Chinese manufactured cars selling at an average price of $20,000 with 5 5-year or 125,000 km warranty. Panama is the #1 of all Central and South American countries and has a bright future..

Panama desperately needs good steel workers, electricians, air conditioning technicians, auto mechanics, architects, contractors,...you name it. The indigenous population is incompetent. The cart is mainly being pulled by the foreigners (immigrants): Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Venezuelans, and Colombians;... By the way, the Indigenous people often see the immigrants (Gringo's) as milk cows. They have lagged behind the rapid evolution of the past 10 years. In Panama, the entrepreneurs are not punished with a 21% VAT and up to 60% direct taxation.   The sales tax is only 7%, and the taxation ranges from 2.75% over 10% to 20%. There is a ZERO TAX rate on foreign income. This makes the country super interesting for IT specialists. The entrepreneur who builds European-quality houses will make a fortune!.  The IQ level, the general education level of the local population is extremely low. The inefficiencies are HUGE.

Few people understand that Panama offers a first-class second VIRTUAL fiscal residency on condition that it is "properly organized."

The Russians and Chinese were going to be stockpiling silver. Is silver reentering the monetary system in an extraordinary way here?

Central banks now buy silver. Russia and India have talked about it, and India is already a big buyer of silver. Central banks will continue to hit a record this year and move into next year with gold buying. China has started buying gold again. I think they never stopped, but they started reporting that they were buying again and could buy silver as well. I think that's also going to give the bid to Silver. More about silver is in the subscribers' sections.

It is unbelievable that people keep believing in Santa until the bitter end. Taking your money out of the bank and storing it under your mattress is the biggest idiocy one can do today. Not only will you run into fiscal and other legal problems, but in the end, after you get tired of using a wheelbarrow to pay for your goods and services, you will burn it to get it out of your way. Just like it happened during the Weimar years ago and in Venezuela today.

We are about to see this in the coming months and years. This time, politicians and central banks will play it digitally. It is a lot more dangerous than playing it by printing paper money. It is a must-watch!

Europe and the EU are toast, and the continent's decay, resulting from years of malpractice by irresponsible politicians, will become visible in 2025.

  • Ford Motor puls out of Europe...so as the automobile sector goes, so goes the economy.
  • As of January 2025,  Belgian slaves must pay taxes on the CO2 they produce. The Government decides how much and where one can pay with cash. There are several new compliance measures for Real Estate owners. The fines amount to €30.000 to €60.000, and one risks a blame/mention on his police report.
  • Ten big airlines are in deep trouble, and all low-cost airlines are experiencing financial hardship because of the recession. Lufthansa is one example, and KLM-Air France is another. In Europe, soaring fuel prices and higher salaries greatly impact airline profitability.

Our Real Estate Corner:

Those who keep hanging on to their "indestructible" real estate will be destroyed by it.  They all have a reason for not selling...but few lower their asking price until their property finds one of the few buyers.

Important Fundamentals:

  • The government is cheating on you regarding Social Security. Each one has to pay more than he will ever get back in money. If you add inflation to this, the end result is dramatic.
  • Tesla is a house of cards ready to collapse....
  • Bitcoin is the ultimate bubble asset, and gold/silver is the ultimate anti-bubble asset....
  • Central banks cannot control interest rates, but the natural markets control them. Suppressing interest rates doesn't work.....
  • ALL DERIVATIVES of Debt, Fiat Money will soon become worthless, and the capital invested in derivatives will poor into the basis of money or physical gold and silver as long as this will technically be possible!
  • We've reached a point where a 60/40 portfolio will make you poor, but where a "portfolio" will make you poor. You must move OUT of the Banking and Financial system NOW...
  • Russia is not going bankrupt as the Mainstream Media pretend over and over again. On the contrary. The country is booming,

The fact that people are now preparing us for open war with Russia compels me to repeat some sober facts:

  • 1. Russia is the largest (557 times Belgium) and most prosperous country in the world;
    2. Russia has virtually no debts and is brimming with raw materials;
    3. With 147 million inhabitants, Russia is tremendously underpopulated;
    4. Russia has more than enough resources to defend itself and, if necessary, destroy the world three times over; it does not have enough troops to go on a conquest mission;

Important Technicals:

 ...For premium members only. ...For premium members only.  
...For premium members only.    ...For premium members only.
 Bitcoin, the last Hurray!?  
...For premium members only.    ...For premium members only.

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